Josh Taylor vs Jack Catterall (Round 8)
Taylor continues to flourish and seems to have a second wind now.
On numerous occasions both fighters catch each other with big punches at the same time.
Catterall is trying to land that big left but Taylor is landing more punches.
Josh Taylor vs Jack Catterall (Round 7)
Taylor has a great comeback in the seventh round.
It seems as if Catterall is tiring and Taylor looks to take advantage.
No doubt the Scot took that round, he dominated from start to finish.
Josh Taylor vs Jack Catterall (Round 6)
Taylor is boxing too tall, he needs to get down to keep him away from the jabs and left hand shots from Catterall.
The Scot needs to start taking the fight to Catterall once again.
As it stands, the man from Leeds looks in control of this fight.
Josh Taylor vs Jack Catterall (Round 5)
Catterall is getting so much joy out of his jab and then following it up with combos.
At one stage, Taylor looked to be struggling but he fought back well and took the fight to Catterall once again.
Right at the end of the round, Catterall catches Taylor with a few big punches and has him on the ropes but the bell saves him.
Josh Taylor vs Jack Catterall (Round 4)
Big round for Jack Catterall.
When Josh Taylor stands tall, it opens him up to the attack.
Catterall has landed some big left hands and most definitely won that round on the card.
Josh Taylor vs Jack Catterall (Round 3)
Both fighters are looking to go on the offensive more now.
Taylor catches Catterall with some good punches, who seems to be on the back foot more than his opponent.
You can see just how much both fighters want to win this bout.