he admit cards for the Stenographer (Group C) recruitment in the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) have been released by National Testing Agency (NTA). Eligible candidates are advised to and download their hall tickets before the scheduled exam to avoid last minute rush।

The admit cards for the Stenographer (Group C) recruitment in the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) have been released by National Testing Agency (NTA). Eligible candidates can visit the official website of NTA or the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) at epfindia.gov.in or nta.ac.in and download their hall tickets. They are suggested to download the admit cards as soon as possible to avoid last minute rush. The computer-Based Test (CBT) examination is slated to be conducted on August 1. The exam will take place in two shifts, the first will begin from 8:30 AM to 10:40 AM and the other will be held from 12:30 PM to 2:40 PM. This recruitment drive offers a total of 2,859 job opportunities for aspirants seeking a career in EPFO.
EPFO Stenographer Recruitment 2023
EPFO Stenographer examination will be held in two stages. Stage I will be a Computer-Based Examination (Phase-I), while Stage II is a Skill Test in Stenography (Phase-II). Note that candidates shortlisted in Phase-I will only be eligible for the Skill Test. The skill test comprises a 10-minute computer-based dictation at eighty words per minute speed. For English, the transcription time is fifty minutes; for Hindi, the transcription time for the test is sixty-five minutes, and to be done only on a computer.
EPFO Stenographer Admit Card 2023: Easy Steps To Download
Step 1: Go to the official portal of NTA or the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) at epfindia.gov.in or nta.ac.in
Step 2: In the ‘Admit Card’ section on the homepage, click on “EPFO Stenographer Recruitment Exam 2023 Admit Card” link available
Step 3: Key in your login credentials (registration number and password)
Step 4: After successfully logging in, a new tab will display your admit card
Step 5: Verify all the details given and download your admit card for examination purposes
Direct link to download:
It is important to note that the admit card holds vital information about the examination, so the candidates are advised to review the admit card carefully for any discrepancies. In case of any errors, candidates must contact the EPFO authorities for prompt rectification.
For additional information or related queries, candidates can visit the official website of NTA OR EPFO.
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