NEET MDS 2023 Qualification Criteria has been revised by the Health Ministry after reducing the NEET PG 2023 qualifying Cut-Off criteria to ‘zero’. The health ministry has reduced the cut-off for general category candidates; know more..

New Delhi: An official notice has been issued by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) stating that the Union Health Ministry has revised the NEET MDS 2023 Cut-Off and has lowered it by 31.8 percentile. This decision comes after the Health Ministry’s announcement regarding the NEET PG 2023 Qualifying Cut-Off being reduced to ‘zero’. Reducing the cut-off for NEET MDS 2023 is an attempt to provide more admission opportunities to students and help in the filling of the vacant seats. Read more to know the NEET MDS 2023 Revised Cut-Off, NBEMS Official Notice regarding the same and the Health Ministry’s Announcement regarding the NEET PG 2023 Cut-Off..
NEET MDS 2023 Cut-Off Reduced By Health Ministry
As mentioned earlier, the NEET MDS 2023 Cut-Off has been revised and reduced by the Health Ministry. According to the official notice issued by the NBEMS, the minimum qualifying cut-off for the general category students of NEET MDS 2023 is now 167 which earlier was 272. The cut-off for the PwBD Category candidates of the unreserved category is now reduced to 149 from 255. The candidates that belong to the SC, ST and OBC category, will now be able to qualify the NEET MDS 2023 at 125 instead of 238.
NEET MDS 2023 Cut-Off Revised: NBEMS Official Notice
The official notice by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) reads, ‘The result of NEET MDS 2023 was declared on 10th March, 2023. In accordance with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India letter No. V. 12025/14/2023-DE dated 21st September 2023, the minimum qualifying percentiles have been lowered (in pursuance of the 2nd Proviso in Clause 7(1) of DCI’s Master of Dental Surgery Course (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2018) for NEET MDS 2023’.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: There has been no change in the NEET MDS 2023 Rank Released on March 10, 2023.)
NEET PG 2023 Qualifying Percentile
The qualifying percentile for PG Courses (Medical) for NEET PG Counselling 2023 has been reduced to ‘ZERO’ across all categories by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (MoHFW). Candidates who have become freshly eligible can register and participate in Round 3 of counselling. The candidates who are already registered need not register again. However, they will be allowed to edit their choices. A fresh schedule for Round 3 onwards for PG Counselling will be put up on the MCC website soon.