Some celebrities don’t like having their thunder stolen but TV stars Rob Palmer and Manu Feildel were more than happy to play second fiddle when they met up with seven-year-old Telethon Home Ambassador Nazeem Fahmi.
Nazeem, who lives with cerebral palsy after being starved of air for 13 minutes at birth, easily outshone the Better Homes and Gardens handyman and My Kitchen Rules judge when he gave them a tour of this year’s four-bed, two-bath Telethon Home at Seaside Estate in Madora Bay.
The final sale price of the home, donated by Home Group and Satterley, will be revealed during the Telethon Weekend on October 21 and 22.
Long-time Home Group Ambassador Palmer said there was something to learn from Nazeem’s confidence.
“Nazeem was a dead-set superstar,” Palmer told The West on his guided tour of the Madora Bay home.
“He owned the joint. He was a little bit wary of Fat Cat but that soon became a bromance. All of us were working together like pros but he was the pro — he was brilliant. He presented the Telethon home with gusto.
“What pulls on your heartstrings is that Nazeem is the happiest kid going around. He has no idea what life would be like without his condition. We are so lucky to have what we have. His braveness and happiness and courage to face his adversity is an inspiration to everyone.”
The trio relaxed in the home wearing Telethon’s limited edition Snuggle Hoodies which are still up for grabs online with all proceeds going to the charity.

Palmer said he would always be a supporter of the world-leading Channel 7 fundraiser, which will celebrate its 56th anniversary this year.
“I think it was my third or fourth Telethon, my daughter was born a week earlier. My wife looked at me and said ‘would you go to this Telethon, please? We have been so lucky to have this girl who has nothing that is likely to challenge her medically in her life, you need to give something back.”
Palmer said his love for Telethon would never change.
“Our daughter is just about to have her 16th birthday. Life has changed a lot in the last 16 years. One thing remains though is my love for Telethon,” he said.
“It’s just so important to look after these kids and give them a chance. Every cent of what people in WA donate goes to these children, I don’t think there are many charities in the world where you could feel as secure that your donation is going to the children you want them to.”

As for French star Manu, he was equally bowled over by Nazeem and unsurprisingly by the kitchen on show at the Home Group and Satterley property.
“I am actually quite jealous because that house is better than mine,” he said.
“They really think about the best in the kitchen. There are two ovens and a huge bench where they can do the prep or eat breakfast. There’s lots of storage. It’s a really easy kitchen to work in. You can invite a lot of friends over. I’d get a big pig on the spit for everyone to help themselves.”
He was inspired by his host for the afternoon.
Nazeem receives support from Telethon beneficiary Healthy Strides Foundation, where he undergoes regular intensive physical therapy to improve his functional mobility independence, motor skills and quality of life.
“Nazeem has some challenges in life, he is a great representative of why we are doing this and why we all get together to help those kids with challenges. We are the lucky ones, with lucky kids and that’s why we do this to help them out,” Palmer said.
“There’s something about the spirit of Telethon that you can’t escape. Being involved it really grabs hold of you and it draws you back.”
Telethon is back at RAC Arena on October 21 and 22 and will be broadcast live on Channel 7 and 7Plus.