BSF Recruitment 2023: The admit card for Group B and Group C posts direct recruitment examinations has been released by the BSF. Candidates who are going to appear for the exams can download their hall ticket from the official website.

BSF Recruitment 2023: The hall ticket Group B and Group C post exams has been released by the Border Security Force (BSF). Candidates who are going to appear for the exams can download their hall ticket from the official website of BSF at To access the hall ticket, BSF aspirants will have to key in their BSF roll number, date of birth, and captcha. This recruitment drive aims to fill a total of 281 vacancies. Among the offered seats, the vacancies for BSF Head Constable are 135, while the BSF Constable vacancies stand at 130. The remaining 16 seats are for BSF Sub Inspector (SI) posts.
As per the schedule, the phase 1 computer-based mode written examination is scheduled to be held on August 6. It is to be noted that the exam will be held in three shifts. Shift 1 will be from 8.30 AM to 10.30 AM. The second shift will take place from 12.30 PM to 2.30 PM, and the third shift is scheduled from 4.30 PM to 6 PM.
The official notice read, “Mock Test Link for practice purpose only has also been made live on July 25 to familiarize the candidate(s) with the process of Computer Based Exams. Candidate(s) can understand various processes of Computer Based Test with this mock test.”
BSF Recruitment 2023: Step-by-step To Download Group B And C Admit Card
Step 1: Visit the Border Security Force’s official portal at
Step 2: On the homepage, find and click on the link that reads “Downloaded Admit card of BSF Multi Post Exam scheduled on 6th Aug 2023”
Step 3: A new tab will open, key in your login credentials (Roll Number, Date of Birth and Captcha) and hit submit.
Step 4: After logging in, BSF Group B and C hall ticket 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Check all the details mentioned on the admit card and download it for future references.
Direct Link to download Group B And C Admit Card
BSF Recruitment 2023: Selection Process
Candidates will be selected on the basis of two stages. The first stage will be a descriptive or subjective written examination and the date of the same will be communicated to all aspirants in due course. The second stage includes document verification, physical efficiency test (PET), physical measurement test, medical examination, and trade test.
For more related queries and information, BSF aspirants are advised to visit the official website of BSF at
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