A teenager accused of taking his dad’s rifles to his former school and firing three shots, will be returning to his parent’s house.
Appearing for the first time in person in Perth Children’s Court on Wednesday, the 15-year-old, who can’t be named, had his bail conditions changed after lengthy debate between his defence counsel and the prosecution.
It means he’ll no longer be staying in a bail hostel, where he’s been for the past 41 days, and will instead be returning to his family home in Perth’s outer-northern suburbs, under the supervision of his parents.

It was revealed in court his mother will quit her hospitality job in order to be with her son 24 hours a day.
His mum or dad will also need to accompany him for any appointments with various custodial agencies and support services handling his case.
The boy allegedly took two rifles from his father’s gun safe on May 24, before driving his parents’ car to Atlantis Beach Baptist College and using one of the rifles to fire three rounds.
Two of them pierced buildings which had people inside at the time.
In his last appearance, Magistrate Alana Padmanabham put the boy in custody of a bail hostel, where he would be under surveillance and have limited, monitored access to phones and the internet.
He’ll have similar conditions at home, with no access to the internet or a smartphone with internet access.
He’s also not allowed within 100m of Atlantis Beach college, in the northern Perth suburb of Two Rocks, where he was withdrawn as a student by his mother the day before the alleged shooting.
More to come.