In a notice released today, the Board announced that the results for the Andhra Pradesh Intermediate 1st year and 2nd year will be announced at the the Board’s office at 11 AM tomorrow i.e April 12, 2024.The notice reads, “The Secretary of the Board of Intermediate Education will release the I and II Year Results (General and Vocational) of IPE March 2024 on 12-04-2024 at 11:00 AM at the Board of Intermediate Education, Guntur.”
Here’s the official notice-

Once declared, students who appeared for the final examinations will be able to check and download their results from the official website at
The Andhra Pradesh Intermediate Public Examinations (AP Inter Exams) for 2024 took place in March, with practical exams held in February. Practical exams for General Courses took place from February 11th to 20th, with two sessions per day (9 AM – 12 PM & 2 PM – 5 PM), while Vocational Courses were held from February 5th to 20th, with two sessions per day.
The Board of Intermediate Education Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) conducted theory exams at various locations throughout the state. Both first and second-year exams took place in a single daily shift from 9 AM. to 12 PM, with first-year exams from March 1st to March 19th, 2024, and second-year exams from March 2nd to March 20th, 2024.
Approximately 9 lakh students took part in the exams. Students can check their results online on the official BIEAP website by entering their roll number and date of birth.
Last year, a total of 10,03,990 students took the Andhra Pradesh Inter exams 2023, with 4.33 lakh students taking the AP Inter 1st Year exam and 3.79 lakh students writing the AP Inter Second Year exam. The exams were administered at 1,489 exam centres throughout the state.