Baccarat announced the winners of its first scholarship program on Wednesday night, launched in partnership with the New York School of Interior Design. Six current students at the school were tasked with designs spaces that utilized Baccarat products, which were judged by interior professionals Courtney McLeod, Marshall Watson and Elizabeth Lawrence.
The winners were celebrated during a cocktail held at Baccarat’s Madison Avenue flagship, hosted by Adam Banfield, president and chief executive officer of Baccarat North America. NYSID president David Sprouls and Ellen Kravet, chairman of the school’s board, were also in attendance.
First prize winner, fourth-year NYSID student Bridget Lee, was awarded a $10,000 scholarship. The second and third place winners, Peter Ibarra and Jason Win, who are both in the school’s MFA program, were gifted Baccarat gift cards.
“Baccarat, for years now, has had the pleasure of being the trophy purveyor of NYSID’s annual gala in the spring,” said Banfield in his opening awards ceremony remarks. “It is our honor to give back to the students of NYSID in a truly meaningful way, and to bring together this incredible group of designers, partners, and friends of the brand — into the House of Baccarat — and create a lasting legacy between our institutions.”
First prize winner Bridget Lee.
READ MORE: Baccarat Marks 20 Years of Collaboration With Philippe Starck