1. We hear lots about the need to respect those who don’t feel comfortable celebrating Australia Day on January 26 but what about the people who do want to celebrate Australia Day today. Where is the respect for them? We need to remember respect goes both ways. If today is difficult for you, your right to spend a quiet day at home is acknowledged, but it’s about time our country showed the same consideration for the many thousands of people who do wish to come together today and mark our national day. How about we show those people some respect too. Nobody should be made to feel like an outcast for honouring the magnificent country we live in.
2. That’s why I’m so pleased the City of Perth will continue to lead our State’s biggest Australia Day celebration today, on the day. In what has become a city tradition, the Australia Day citizenship ceremony and community awards at the Perth Town Hall will be followed by the Birak concert at Supreme Court Gardens and the Hancock Prospecting City of Light drone and fireworks show at Langley Park. We live in the best country in the world and I’m very proud to be part of an organisation which continues to offer people the chance to reflect, respect and celebrate.
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