There’s a long, proud tradition of famous people dressing up as other famous people for Halloween, from Paris Hilton wearing Britney Spears’s “Toxic” outfit to Kris Jenner thinking that Beyoncé went as her when she was actually Toni Braxton (a pop-cultural memory that occupies no small share of real estate in my mind). Yet when the art form is really done right, you notice—as we did with boygenius members Lucy Dacus and Julien Baker’s vintage Pete-and-Ariana Halloween costume:
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I can’t be the only person who is quite literally terrified at how good Baker’s Ariana Grande costume is, but Dacus is also no slouch as Pete. The perfectly sourced athleisure! The body language that exactly mirrors Pete and Ariana’s! The lollipop that launched a thousand thinkpieces in 2019! Obviously, celebrities have a lot more resources than the average person when it comes to crafting a costume, but it’s pretty clear that these two didn’t just roll up to Party City at 8 p.m. on the night of their Halloween party and grab a costume off the rack (as, I must admit, I so often have).
The rise of themed concerts that require a full-on costume has been charted, but I’d like to make a humble plea for boygenius to suddenly decide that everyone who comes to one of their shows needs to arrive in a trio and actually dress up as the band. (Phoebe Bridgers’s fondness for skeleton onesies should make things fairly easy.)