CBSE CTET 2023 Exam was conducted in August 2023 and the candidates had been waiting for the results eagerly. CBSE CTET 2023 results have been declared at; read more to see the steps to check the result and also know the cut-off and qualifying percentage..

New Delhi: The results for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) Paper 1 and Paper 2 has been announced by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on September 25, 2023. The CBSE CTET 2023 Results can be checked on the official website of the examination, The CBSE CTET 2023 Exam Date was August 20, 2023 and the paper was conducted in online mode; the final answer keys have also been uploaded on the official website. The examination was held for two papers. Paper I was conducted for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes I to V. Meanwhile, Paper II was held for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII. Read further, to know how you can check the CBSE CTET 2023 Results and what is the CBSE CTET 2023 Cut-Off, Qualifying Percentage…
CBSE CTET 2023 Results: How To Check
As mentioned earlier, the CBSE CTET 2023 Results have been declared on the official website- Know how you can check the results-
- Visit the official website of the Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) at
- On the homepage, look for the result that reads, “CTET AUG-23 Result.”
- You will be directed to a new webpage.
- Enter the login credentials such as roll number and click on the submit option.
- Your CBSE CTET Result will be declared on the screen.
- Download and take a printout of it for future reference.
CBSE CTET 2023: Cut-Off, Qualifying Percentage
According to the official website and notification, to qualify the CBSE CTET 2023 Exam, candidates are expected to score a minimum of 60% in every paper of the examination. Also note that the CTET Certificate given to the candidates who have qualified the exam, holds lifelong validity.
CBSE CTET 2023: Provisional Answer Key
CBSE released the CTET Provisional Answer Key on September 15, 2023. Students were also provided with an opportunity to raise objections, if any, against the provisional answer key. Candidates were requested to raise objections/grievances within the stipulated time. The subject matter and experts will go through the grievances and prepare a final answer key list. In this article, we have provided a step-by-step guide to check and download the CTET Result.
Including Paper 1 and Paper 2, a total of 23,79,882 candidates appeared for the examination, out of which, 3,99,815 candidates have qualified the paper. The combined pass percentage for CBSE CTET 2023 is 16.80%. Individually, the pass percentage for Paper 1 is approximately 24.64% and 8.67% for Paper 2. Those who have qualified the exam, will now be able to apply for teaching positions in private and government schools in the country.