CUET (PG) will be conducted in Computer Based Test mode only. Before filling up the application form, it is advised to know about the application process, exam pattern, marking scheme, mode of examination, age criteria, and other details.

CUET PG 2024 Registration Date: The National Testing Agency(NTA) will commence the registration process for the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) for admission into postgraduate programmes. Interested candidates can fill up the NTA CUET PG application form by visiting the official website – This will be the third edition that NTA will hold the examination. As per reports, the CUET PG 2024 application process is scheduled to begin before December 25. Along with the application form, NTA will also publish the information bulletin. Before filling up the application form, it is advised to know about the application process, exam pattern, marking scheme, mode of examination, age criteria, and other details. Read details below:-
CUET PG 2024 Registration: Common University Entrance Test Exam Pattern, mode/medium of the exam, Structure
- CUET (PG) will be conducted in Computer Based Test mode only.
- CUET (PG) will be conducted in English and Hindi (Bilingual) except for language and Sahitya papers.
Talking about the marking scheme,
- Each question carries 04 (four) marks.
- For each correct response, the candidate will get 04 marks.
- For each incorrect response, 01 mark will be deducted from the total score.
- Unanswered/un-attempted response will be given no marks.
- To answer a question, the candidate needs to choose one option as the correct option.
- However, after the process of Challenges of the Answer Key, in case there are multiple correct options or change in key, only those candidates who have attempted it correctly as per the revised Final Answer Key will be awarded marks.
- In case a Question is dropped due to some technical error, full marks shall be given to all the candidates irrespective of the fact who have attempted it or not.
CUET PG 2024 Registration: Common University Entrance Test Participating Colleges/Central Universities
- Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
- Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (PG Satellite Centre, Amethi)
- Banaras Hindu University
- Central Tribal University of Andhra Pradesh, Vizianagaram
- Central University of Andhra Pradesh
- Central University of South Bihar
- Central University of Gujarat
- Central University of Haryana
- Central University of Himachal Pradesh
- Central University of Jammu
- Central University of Jharkhand
- Central University of Karnataka
- Central University of Kashmir
- Central University of Kerala
- Central University of Odisha
- Central University of Punjab
- Central University of Rajasthan
- Central University of Tamil Nadu
- Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak
- Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Manipur Centre
- Dr. Harisingh Gaur Vishwa Vidyalaya
- Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya Bilaspur
- Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University
- Jawaharlal Nehru University
- Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya
- Manipur University
- North Eastern Hill University
- Pondicherry University
- Sikkim University
- Harkamya College of Education Affiliated to Sikkim University
CUET PG 2024 Registration: How to Fill Common University Entrance Test Form?
Register for the Online Application Form and note down the system-generated Application Number. The candidate should supply the required details while filling the Online Application Form and is also required to create PASSWORD and choose Security Question and enter his/her Answer. After the successful submission of the personal details, an Application number will be generated and it will be used to complete the remaining Steps of
the Application Form and will also be required for all future reference/correspondence.
The Candidates can log in with the system-generated Application Number and pre-created Password for completing the Application Form including filling up of personal details, applying for the Paper, choosing the Examination Cities, providing the details of Educational Qualifications, and uploading the images and documents (if any).
After completing Step 1 and Step 2, the candidates have to pay the requisite examination fee. The fee can be submitted only online through Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, and UPI Services. Processing charges and GST
as applicable are chargeable to the candidate (in addition to the examination fee) by the concerned Bank/Payment
Gateway Integrator.
The Common University Entrance Test-PG will be held between March 11 to 28, 2024. For appearing in the CUET (PG), there is no age limit for the candidates.