JEE Main 2024 Exam: The revised syllabus along with the registration dates for the Joint Entrance Examination, JEE (Main) is expected to be published anytime soon on its official website. The NTA JEE

JEE Main 2024 Exam: The revised syllabus along with the registration dates for the Joint Entrance Examination, JEE (Main) is expected to be published anytime soon on its official website. The NTA JEE Main 2024 Application Form will be released at As per the TOI report, the NTA is expected to introduce a lighter syllabus for the JEE Main 2024. The syllabus has been rationalized, considering the syllabus reductions implemented by several education boards in response to the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.
As per the Examination Calendar for the Academic Year 2024-25, the Joint Entrance Examination JEE (Main) – 2024 Session 1 examination is slated to be held from January 24 to February 1, 2024. Meanwhile, JEE Main 2024 Session 2 examination will be conducted between April 1 to April 15, 2024.
The JEE Main Information notification will include details like as exam dates, eligibility criteria, exam patterns, and registration details. Till now, NTA has not released any official statement on the JEE Main Registration date and time. Only 86 academic calendar days are left for the examination to begin. Engineering aspirants are more focused on preparing for the competitive examination.
JEE Main 2024 Result Date
The National Testing Agency intends to provide result dates during the registration process to facilitate candidates and institutions in their admission cycle planning. With just a few days left for the entrance exams, students are busy preparing for the papers. Here are some of the tips, and strategies that will help students to score well in the entrance examination.
Tips to Clear JEE Main 2024 Examination
- Go Through the Revised Syllabus of JEE Main: Before starting the preparation for the examination, it is extremely important for aspiring students to know and understand the syllabus in detail. Understanding the JEE Main 2023 syllabus will help the student to prepare well.
- Revision of Topics: While preparing for the exams, it is important to revise all topics daily. As all chapters and subjects are important, it is best to divide your time equally for all subjects/ topics instead of focusing only on a couple of them. For any exam, revision acts as an important key factor.
- Practice Mock Test/Solve Previous Year’s question paper: Solve previous year’s question papers. Practicing mock tests acts as a great source of revision. This helps students improve their preparation levels. Solving question papers regularly can help you analyze your preparation. You will be able to identify your mistakes and weak areas.
- Be Calm And Composed: With just a few months left for the entrance examination, it is essential for the students to stay calm and composed. All national-level entrance exams have always had a ring of anxiety and nervousness on students. It is important that students get the right amount of sleep before the exam. Depriving oneself of sleep can result in fatigue and a high-stress level with a drop in concentration level.
- Change in Habits – Meditate And Exercise: It is rightly said that Health is wealth therefore students preparing for the entrance test should not compromise their health. They should meditate and exercise regularly. Medication can improve your concentration and exercise will keep you healthy. To avoid distractions, try to reduce the usage of social media.
- Make a Study Timetable: Make a study timetable in such a way that you divide equal time for each subject. Make sure you sincerely stick to your timetable.
JEE Main 2023 question paper(pdf)
JEE Main 2022 question paper(pdf)
JEE Main 2024 Previous Year’s Question Paper: How to Download?
The NTA has released the Joint Entrance Examination, JEE (Main) question paper for all shifts. Here’s how you can access the question paper.
- Visit the official website of the National Testing Agency(NTA) –
- On the homepage, look at the ‘Downloads’ section.
- Enter the year, Exam type, and paper.
- Click on the desired subject and a pdf document will appear on the screen.
- Go through the paper and take a printout of it for future reference.
Candidates are advised to keep visiting the official websites of NTA ( and( for the latest updates.