CBSE Class 10th Board Exams 2024: The Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) is all set to begin the registration process of the private students for the CBSE Class 10th board examination. Going b

CBSE Class 10th Board Exams 2024: The Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) is all set to begin the registration process of the private students for the CBSE Class 10th board examination. Going by the circular dated September 5, 2023, the application process will begin tomorrow, September 12, 2023. Candidates can fill up the CBSE Class 10th Private Student Registration Form 2023 by visiting the official website – Before filling up the application form, candidates are advised to go through the eligibility criteria, examination fee, official website, and other details here.
CBSE Class 10th Private Student Eligibility Criteria
- Students whose result has been declared as Essential Repeat at the Secondary Examination(Class X) 2023.
- Students whose result has been declared as FAIL/Essential Repear at the Secondary School Examination(Class X) in the years 2018, 2019, 20220, 2021 & 2022.
- Students who had completed a regular course of studies and had been allotted Roll No. for appearing at the Secondary Examination but could not appear for the Class X examination due to medical reasons except shortage of attendance at the Secondary Examination(Class X) 2023.
- Students who have been placed in a Compartment in two subjects may opt for appearing in 5/6/7 subjects in which he/she had appeared in the Board’s examinations 2023. Such candidate should select his/her category as an Essential Repeat while applying online.
To know more about the CBSE Class 10th Private Student Eligibility Criteria, refer to the detailed notification shared HERE – CLICK HERE
CBSE Class 10th Private Student Registration: Check Syllabus
Students will be examined only in the Subjects and the Syllabus as prescribed for the year of examination. Candidates must go through the eligibility and pass criteria as the current curriculum and the scheme of studies available on the CBSE website link carefully before filling up the form.