The first seat allotment list has been released by the Consortium of NLUs for the CLAT 2024 Counselling today. Check here how the eligible candidates can check the seat allotment via the official website-

New Delhi: The Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) has begun the counselling process for admissions to the five-year integrated Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) programmes commencing in the Academic Year 2024-2025 at National Law Universities participating in the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). The first seat allotment list has been released and eligible candidates can check the same on The last date for payment of fees under CLAT 2024 first allotment list is 1:00 PM on January 2, 2024. Read further to know everything..
CLAT 2024 Counselling: First Seat Allotment List How To Check
As mentioned earlier, the first seat allotment list for CLAT 2024 Counselling has been released by the Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) today and can be checked by visiting the official website – Check the steps one must follow to check the allotment list..
- The first step is to visit the official website of CLAT –
- On the homepage of this website, click on the link which reads ‘CLAT 2024 First Allotment List’ and then login using your credentials.
- As soon as you login, the allotment list will appear on your screen where you can check all details.
- Once checked, download the seat allotment seat and take a printout of the same, in case of future reference.
CLAT 2024: Freeze, Float, Exit Options For Candidates
Each candidate who has been allotted a seat at any NLU may exercise any of the ‘Freeze’, ‘Float’, or ‘Exit’ options in a counselling round based on the conditions set out below..
Freeze Option
If the candidate is satisfied with the allotted seat, accepts it, and is not interested in participating in further rounds of seat allocation/ counselling, they may ‘Freeze’ the seat allocation; a candidate who selects the Freeze Option and pays the Confirmation Fee (in the First or Second or Third round) will NOT be considered in subsequent rounds of counselling. A candidate who selects the Freeze Option in the First or Second or Third round of counselling must pay the remaining University Fee (after adjusting the Counselling Registration Fee and Confirmation Fee) to the NLU concerned by May 14, 2024. In order to ‘Freeze’ their seat in the Fourth or Fifth round of the Admissions Counselling Process, the candidate must pay the University Fee (after adjusting for Confirmation Fee—if paid in the first, second or third rounds of counselling—and Counselling Registration Fee) to the NLU concerned by the date set out in the Admissions Counselling Calendar in para 7 below.
Float Option
If the candidate has not been allotted their first preference NLU and chooses to leave ‘open’ the possibility of getting a higher preference NLU seat they may choose the ‘Float’ Option. To exercise the Float Option in the First or Second or Third round of counselling, the candidate must pay the Confirmation Fee within the time stipulated in the Admissions Counselling Calendar. To exercise the Float Option in the Fourth round of counselling, a candidate shall pay the University Fee to the NLU (after adjusting for Confirmation Fee—if paid in the first and second rounds of counselling—and Counselling Registration Fee) in respect of the seat allotted to them in that round of counselling within the time stipulated.
Exit Option
If a candidate wishes to withdraw from the counselling process at any given moment during the procedure, they must choose the Exit Option. This way, their name will then not be considered for the rounds of counselling to follow.
Counselling Registration Fee
Candidates from the General Category must pay Rs. 30,000 as a CLAT counseling registration fee. Meanwhile, candidates from the ST/ SC/ OBC/ BC/ EWS/ PWD categories are required to pay Rs. 20,000. The last date for payment of fees under CLAT 2024 first allotment list is 1:00 PM on January 2, 2024.