Crystal Lake Recreation Area in the Angeles National Forest and San Gabriel Mountains National Monument will be temporarily closed starting Tuesday, April 9, possibly through Sunday, April 14, in an effort to save trees this spring.
During the closure, ponderosa, Jeffrey/ponderosa pine hybrids, and Coulter pines will be sprayed with an insecticide from the base of each tree to up to 45-feet-high, if weather and other conditions allow.
The measure is necessary because soon adult Western pine beetles will exit dead trees in search of new trees to serve as hosts this spring, which will kill the trees.
Trees killed by the western pine beetle contribute to levels of down wood when they eventually break or fall over, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
In the Crystal Lake area, nearly 200 trees have been killed primarily by drought and the Western pine beetle over the past several years.
The area, administered by the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, is nearly 30 miles north on Highway 39, from Azusa. It’s at the headwaters of the north fork of the San Gabriel River, more than 5,500 feet above sea level.
The area has several camping sites, an open-air amphitheater and a small lake.
People can call 626-574-1613 or 626-335-1251 if they have any questions or would like to learn more about the status of the reopening date of the Crystal Lake Recreation Area. Or, visit the Angeles National Forest website at for updates.