Xiaomi has brought its ‘Diwali With Mi’ sale back in India just days after concluding its first round last week. The six-day sale, which lasts until Thursday, October 17, brings discounts on smartphones such as the Redmi Note 7 Pro, Poco F1, Redmi K20 Pro, Redmi K20, Redmi Y3, Redmi Note 7S, and Redmi 7A, among others. Xiaomi is also offering discounted prices of various Mi TV models. Likewise, there are offers on Mi Home Security Camera 360 and Mi Air Purifier 2S. Customers can also avail discounts on smartphone accessories such as the Mi Compact Bluetooth Speaker 2, Mi Pocket Speaker 2, and Mi Earphones.
Diwali with Mi sale: Phone offers
As per the sale page on Mi.com, the Diwali With Mi sale discounts the Redmi Note 7 Pro to a starting price of Rs. 11,999, down from the launch price of Rs. 13,999 for the base 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant. The Redmi Y3, on the other hand, starts at Rs. 7,999 during the Xiaomi sale. The handset normally retails with a starting price of Rs. 9,999. The Redmi Note 7S has also received a discounted price of Rs. 8,999 for the initial 4GB RAM + 64GB storage configuration, down from Rs. 9,999.
There are also discounts on popular mid-range models. The Poco F1 is listed with a starting price of Rs. 15,999 during the Mi sale. The phone normally retails at Rs. 17,999. Similarly, the Redmi K20 Pro is available with an initial price of Rs. 24,999, down from Rs. 27,999. The Redmi K20 is also on sale starting at Rs. 19,999, down from Rs. 21,999.
Xiaomi is also offering an additional 10 percent discount on prepaid orders.
Diwali with Mi sale: Mi TV offers
If you aren’t looking for a new phone but want to purchase a smart TV during this festive season, the Diwali With Mi sale has discounts on various Mi TV models. One of the most notable deals is on the Mi TV 4A Pro 43-inch that was launched earlier this year at Rs. 22,999 but is currently available at Rs. 20,999. The Mi TV 4C Pro 32-inch is also listed at Rs. 11,499, down from Rs. 13,999.
Diwali with Mi sale: Other offers
The latest sale also brings a discount on the Mi Home Security Camera 360 that is available at Rs. 2,499. It was launched at Rs. 2,699. There is also the Mi Air Purifier 2S at Rs. 7,999, down from Rs. 8,999. Furthermore, there are discounts and offers on several smartphone accessories, chargers, and data cables.
Customers purchasing under the Diwali With Mi sale using an SBI credit card get a 10 percent instant discount. There are also no-cost EMI options through Bajaj Finserv. Additionally, the company is offering Mi Protect starting at Rs. 399, Mi Extended Warranty from Rs. 399, and Mi Screen Protect starting at Rs. 299.
Is Samsung Galaxy A51 a worthy Redmi K20 Pro rival? We discussed this on Orbital, our weekly technology podcast, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.