Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2024 by IISc Bengaluru will be held next year. The institution, on its official website-, has released the examination schedule, paper pattern, eligibility criteria, registration and application process. Check all details here..

New Delhi: The Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru organises its annual entrance test, Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2024 (GATE 2024) for candidates interested in studying in the institution. Candidates who are looking to study at IISc, Bengaluru in the coming academic session must note that the GATE 2024 Examination Schedule, along with the GATE 2024 Paper Pattern, Syllabus, Eligibility Criteria and Fees and Registration Process has been officially released by the college on the official website- Read further to know in detail, the GATE 2024 Paper Pattern and Syllabus and other important details..
GATE 2024 Date, Examination Schedule
A tentative GATE 2024 Examination Schedule has been released on the official website of the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. According to this schedule, the different papers will be held on February 3, and February 4, 2024 (Saturday and Sunday) and February 10 and February 11, 2024 (Saturday and Sunday). The papers will be held in two shifts on each day; the first shift (Forenoon Session) will be from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM and the second shift (Afternoon Session) will be from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. The college is yet to announce what papers will be held on what dates.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: Examination may be postponed or cancelled due to situations beyond control.)
GATE 2024 Question Paper Pattern
Question Paper Examination Mode: It has been mentioned on the official website that the test papers will be in English. Computer Based Test (CBT) [will be conducted at select centers in select cities]. The duration of the papers is three hours each and the number of subjects (papers) are 30. The papers will be for General Attitude (GA) and the candidate’s selected subjects,
GATE 2024 Types Of Questions: The types of questions include Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Multiple Select Questions (MSQs) and/or Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions for the Candidate’s Selected Subject(s). To test these abilities, the questions include Recall, Comprehension, Application and Analysis and Synthesis.
Distribution of Marks: For papers AR, CY, DA, EY, GG, MA, PH, ST, XH and X, the General Aptitude is for 15 marks and the subject questions are for 85 marks, taking the total to 100 marks. For the other papers, general aptitude is worth 15 marks, engineering mathematics is for 13 marks and the marks for subject questions are 72, taking the total to 100 again.
Marking Scheme: Questions carry one or two marks and there is also negative marking for the wrong answers. For a wrong answer chosen in an MCQ, there will be negative marking, For a 1-mark MCQ, 1/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer, for a 2-mark MCQ, 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer, there is no negative marking for wrong answer(s) to MSQ or NAT questions and there is no partial marking in MSQ.
Paper Selection: For XE Paper Sections, there is an Engineering Mathematics section (Compulsory) for 15 marks and then the candidates can select any TWO optional sections each worth 35 marks from-
- Fluid Mechanics
- Materials Science
- Solid Mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Polymer Science and Engineering
- Food Technology
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
For XH Paper Sections, Reasoning and Comprehension section worth 25 marks is compulsory; other than this, candidates are expected to choose any ONE optional section for 60 marks from-
- Economics
- English
- Linguistics
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Sociology
For XL Paper Sections, a 25 marks paper is compulsory for Chemistry. Apart from this, any TWO optional sections can be selected by the candidates, each being worth 30 marks; the options include-
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Microbiology
- Zoology
- Food Technology
(IMPORTANT NOTE: Multi-sessional papers: Candidate will be assigned to appear only in one of the sessions for the papers running in multiple sessions.)
GATE 2024: Syllabus
Please note that a candidate is allowed to appear either in ONE or UP TO TWO test papers, as mentioned above. Also, to know the individual syllabus of each subject according to their paper codes, click here. It is also advised on the website that candidates must familiarize themselves with the paper code as it is required both during application and examination.
GATE 2024: Eligibility Criteria
According to the official website specially designed for GATE 2024 by IISc Bengaluru, there is an eligibility criteria that must be met by the candidates before the filling of the application. The GATE 2024 Eligibility Criteria is-
- Candidates who are currently studying in the 3rd or higher years of any undergraduate degree program or who have completed any government approved degree program in Engineering/ Technology/ Science/ Architecture/ Humanities are eligible to appear for GATE 2024.
- Some Professional Societies/Institutions, which conduct examination in various fields of engineering, are- The Institution of Engineers (India) (IE), The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), The Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI), The Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, including Polymer and Environmental Group (IIChE), The Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) and The Indian Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIIE). Candidates who possess certification from any such professional societies must ensure that those examinations are approved by MoE/AICTE/UGC/ UPSC as being equivalent to B.E./ B.Tech./ B.Arch./ B.Planning, etc.
- Candidates who have obtained/are pursuing their qualifying degree from countries other than India: Candidates must be currently in the 3rd or higher years or must have completed their Bachelor’s degree (of at least three years duration) in Engineering/ Technology/ Science/ Architecture/ Humanities.
- For further details on the eligibility criteria, interested candidates can click here.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: Candidates with B.Sc./B.A./B.Com. degrees (3-year program) desirous of seeking admission to Masters programs in IITs and IISc may refer to JAM 2024.)
GATE 2024: Application Process
In case you wish to apply for GATE 2024, check here for all the information and documents required while completing the application process..
Data Required For GATE 2024 Online Application Form Filling
- Personal information (name, date of birth, personal mobile number, parents’ name, parents’ mobile number, etc.). GATE 2024 scorecard will be issued as per the name entered in the application form. Prefixes/titles such as Mr / Shri / Dr / Mrs / Smt / Prof / Capt / Maj / Lt / Col / Er / Ar, etc. MUST NOT be used
- Address for communication (including PIN code)
- Eligibility degree details
- GATE paper(s) and their codes in which the candidate wishes to appear
- THREE choices of GATE examination cities (from the same zone)
- Net-banking /debit card / credit card / UPI / wallet details for fee payment
Documents Required For GATE 2024 Online Application Form Filling
- High quality image of candidate’s photograph conforming to the requirements specified in the Information Brochure.
- High quality image of candidate’s signature conforming to the requirements specified in the Information Brochure.
- Scanned copy of Category (SC/ST) certificate in pdf format (if applicable).
- Scanned copy of PwD Certificate in pdf format (if applicable).
- Scanned copy of Certificate of Dyslexia in pdf format (if applicable).
- Scanned copy of valid photo Identity document: Aadhar-UID (preferable)/ Passport/ PAN Card/ Voter ID/ Driving License.
- The photo ID must have Name, Date of birth of the candidate and unique photo ID number. This photo ID must be carried in original to the examination hall for verification
(IMPORTANT NOTE: Ensure that the uploaded documents are readable and clear. Uploading unreadable documents may lead to delays in processing the application and may lead to rejection of candidature.)
GATE 2024: Application Fee
The application fee for the regular period, i.e. between August 30 to September 29, 2023 is Rs. 900 for female/SC/ST/PwD* candidates (per test paper) and Rs. 1800 for all other candidates including foreign nationals (per test paper). During the extended period, i.e. from September 30 to October 13, 2023, the application fee for female/SC/ST/PwD* candidates (per test paper) is Rs. 1400 and for all other candidates including foreign nationals (per test paper) it is Rs. 2300. There are separate charges for Change in Name, date of birth, choice of examination cities, existing paper, etc. For all application fee related details, click here.
For the direct link for application for GATE 2024, click here.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: There will be NO REFUND of any fee, other than for multiple transactions.)