IAF AFCAT 02/2023: Indian Air Force has announced AFCAT 02/2023 exam dates. The admit cards will be available on afcat.cdac.in from August 10. The exam will be held on August 25, 26, and 27, 2023.

IAF AFCAT 02/2023: The Indian Air Force has released the exam dates for Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT 02/2023). Admit cards will be available on August 10. The AFCAT 02/2023 exam is scheduled to be conducted in two shifts on August 25, 26, and 27. Registered candidates for AFCAT 02/2023 can download their hall tickets from afcat.cdac.in, once released. Through the AFCAT exam, the IAF recruits candidates for technical and non-technical flying and ground duty positions. This year’s recruitment drive aims to fill a total of 276 vacancies within the Indian Air Force.
AFCAT 02/2023 Exam Pattern
The recruitment exam consists of two parts – the AFCAT test paper and the Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT). A total of 100 questions are included in the AFCAT test paper, covering General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability, Military Aptitude, and Reasoning. Candidates applying for the Ground Duty (Technical) branch must appear for the EKT, which includes 50 questions from the Mechanical, Computer Science, and Electrical and Electronics subjects. The EKT carries 150 marks while AFCAT carries 300.
A candidate’s AFCAT admit card contains important information like their name, roll number, date of birth, test centre address, reporting time, and exam shift. Without the AFCAT admit card, candidates will not be allowed to enter the exam centre.
AFCAT 02/2023 Admit Card: How To Download
1. Visit the official website afcat.cdac.in.
2. Click on the link for “AFCAT 02/2023 Admit Card.”
3. Enter the required login details, including email ID, password, and captcha code.
4. Submit the details. The AFCAT admit card will be displayed on the screen.
5. Download the admit card.
AFCAT 02/2023:
Along with the admit card, candidates must also carry a valid photo identity proof and two passport-size photographs to the exam centre. It is advised to arrive early at the test venue to complete the verification process smoothly.
For any issues or questions related to the AFCAT 02/2023 admit card, candidates can contact the AFCAT Inquiry Cell at C-DAC, Pune, through phone numbers 020-25503105 or 020-25503106 or by emailing [email protected]. For more details, candidates can visit the official website of the Indian Air Force.
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