Translated by
Nicola Mira
Jan 10, 2024
Experienced Capital has added a new member to its top management team. The French investment fund, founded in 2016 by three former senior executives of the SMCP group, and an investor in premium fashion brands like Balibaris, Le Slip Français, Figaret and Sessun, has appointed its investment director Amélie Gosselin-Furno as partner and member of the executive committee.

After finalising its exit from Parisian ready-to-wear label Sœur in November, Experienced Capital made changes to its management committee. Its two co-founders and partners Frédéric Biousse and Elie Kouby have gradually handed over control to the fund’s senior management team, which now includes Gosselin-Furno.
An expert in the equity investment sector, Gosselin-Furno graduated from the HEC business school, where she studied strategic management. She started her career in 2009 as a consultant, at strategy consulting firm Advention Business Partners. In 2013, she joined private equity group 21 Invest France, first as business manager and then as investment director, notably overseeing several corporate acquisitions as well as company sales and financial restructuring operations.
Gosselin-Furno, 39, joined Experienced Capital in October 2019 as investment director, managing fashion brands Balibaris, Figaret, Nouvelle Garde and Reform, and eyewear brand Jimmy Fairly (until the latter was sold in 2021).
She now sits on the executive committee alongside Emmanuel Pradère, president and co-founder, Alban Gérard, partner, and Virginie Birade, fund director. Her mission is to assess new investment opportunities and accelerate the implementation of a CSR policy within Experienced Capital and the brands in its portfolio.
Besides investing in fashion brands, Experienced Capital holds stakes in beauty brands L:A Bruket and Oh My Cream!, in the BAM Karaoke Box group, in NV Gallery, Monday Sports Club, Nouvelle Garde, and Reform.
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