One hurdle down, one more to go. The Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), international motorsport’s governing body, has approved Andretti Global’s application to join Formula 1. However, the FIA doesn’t have the final say on whether or not a team can join the world championship. Andretti will now need to reach an agreement with Formula One Management, the series’ commercial rights holder.
After months of consideration, the FIA appeared close to finally announcing its decision last month after it had rejected the applications of the three other entities hoping to enter F1. Notably, F2 teams Hitech and Rodin Carlin were turned away from moving up. Either Andretti was moving forward, or no one was. In the approval statement, FIA President Mohammed Ben Suyalem said:
“The FIA is obliged to approve applications that comply with the Expressions of Interests application requirements and we have adhered to that procedure in deciding that Andretti Formula Racing LLC’s application would proceed to the next stage of the application process. In taking that decision, the FIA is acting in accordance with EU directives on motor sport participation and development.
Andretti Formula Racing LLC was the only entity which fulfils the selection criteria that was set in all material respects. I congratulate Michael Andretti and his team on a thorough submission. I also want to thank all prospective teams for their interest and participation.”
This approval from the FIA will likely be the start of a much messier process. Andretti will need permission from Formula One Management (FOM) to compete in F1. The current teams have been adamant about having input on any new team entering the paddock, with a majority not wanting expansion.
The American bid has seemingly started its campaign to garner as much support as possible. Andretti rebranded as Andretti Global last month in all the categories it competes in. The team announced the change with a dramatic video retelling the Andretti family story from Mario arriving on America’s shores as a refugee to Michael Andretti’s globe-spanning motorsports organization. Andretti Global rightly aims to make a rejection popularly and commercially difficult for FOM and F1’s teams.