The FMGE Admit Card was expected to release today but it has now been delayed. The aspirants are demanding National Board of Examinations (NBE) to release hall ticket.

New Delhi: The Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) December 2023 Exam will be held on January 20, 2024 and the FMGE Admit Card was scheduled to release on January 15, 2024 but it has been delayed. Three days are left for the exam and the admit card has still not been released; the aspirants are demanding the National Board of Examinations (NBE) to release the hall ticket; the FMGE Admit Card 2023 Download Link is still not active and the students are getting impatient because of the same. Read to know latest details…
FMGE Admit Card 2023 Delayed, Aspirants Make A Demand From NBE
As mentioned earlier, the FMGE Admit Card 2023, which was scheduled to release on January 15, 2024 has still not been released; the FMGE 2023 Exam will be held across the country on January 20, 2024. The All FMGs Association (AFA) has shared a post regarding the same on the social media platform ‘X’ (formerly known as Twitter), which said, “Despite having no deficiency in document submission, @NbeIndia has not issued admit cards to many FMGs for FMGE JAN 20. Even in the last crucial days of preparation, NBE is causing harassment to FMGs. Why is it always FMGs?”
FMGE 2023 Exam Date, Eligbility Criteria, Important Details
The Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) also known as the Screening Test for Foreign Medical Graduate has been introduced through Screening Test Regulations, 2002. “An Indian citizen/Overseas citizen of India possessing a primary medical qualification awarded by any medical institution outside India who is desirous of getting provisional or permanent registration with Medical Council of India or any State Medical Council on or after 15.03.2002 shall have to qualify a screening test conducted by the prescribed authority for that purpose as per the provisions of section 13 of the Act,” the National Medical Commission (NMC) said.
Candidates who are citizens of India or Overseas Citizens of India and possess a primary medical qualification, which is confirmed by the Indian Embassy concerned, to be a recognized qualification for enrolment as medical practitioner in the country in which the institution awarding the said qualification is situated, can apply for FMGE provided that the result of final examination for the said primary medical qualification has been declared on or before the prescribed cut-off date for a particular session of FMG Examination.