The application process for admission for general category students to nursery, KG, and Class 1 in private schools is slated to begin on November 23, 2023.

Delhi Private School Nursery Admission 2024-25: Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world. Speaking of education, children are the building blocks of our future. Children of today are the leaders of tomorrow and so, we must talk about their admissions. The application process for admission for general category students to nursery, KG, and Class 1 in private schools is slated to begin on November 23, 2023. The first merit list will be published on January 12, 2024. In this article, we have answered all your queries related to Delhi Nursery Admission 2024-25 process. Check below:
Delhi Private School Nursery Admission 2024-25: Check FAQs of Parents here
When will Delhi Private School Nursery application forms be released?
- According to a Directorate of Education(DoE)’s official notification, the Delhi Private School Nursery application forms will be released on November 23, 2023.
How much money do parents need to pay for filling up the application form?
- Buying of prospectus of a school along with an application form is not mandatory for parents and schools can neither force parents to buy a prospectus nor charge any processing fee. Only Rs 25 can be charged as an admission registration fee from parents.
When Will the first merit list be published?
The first list for admission will be released on January 12 next year.
What is the age limit under which parents can enrol their kids?
For admission in the Pre-school(Nursery), Pre-Primary (KG) and Class-1, the minimum age for admission in this class shall be three years, four years and five years respectively by 31st March of the year in which admission is being sought in accordance with this Directorate of Education.
- For pre-school (Nursery): Less than 04 years as on 31st March of the year in which the admission is sought
- For Pre-primary (KG): Less than 05 years as on 31st March of the year in which the admission is sought
- For Class 1st: Less than 06 years as on 31st March of the year in which the admission is sought
What documents parents must keep ready as proof of address?
- Ration card/Smart Card issued in the name of parents
- Domicile certificate of child or of his/her parents
- Voter-I Card(EPIC) of any of the parents.
- Electricity Bill/MTNL telephone bill/Water Bill/Passport in the name of any of the parents or child
- Aadhaar Card/UID card issued in the name of the parents.
What is the last date to submit the application form?
Parents and guardians can fill up the application form in school till December 15.
Will parents have an opportunity to resolve or discuss their queries with the authorities?
The Resolution of queries of parents, if any (by written/email/verbal interaction) regarding allotment of points to their wards for the first list will be held from January 13 to January 22.
Will the Second merit list be published?
The date for displaying the second list of selected children (if any) (including the Waiting list) (along with marks allotted under the points system) is January 29.
Delhi Private School Nursery Admission 2024-25 Notice
When Will the Admission Process Conclude?
The admission process will conclude on March 8, 2023. After the closure of the admission process, Deputy Directors of Education (Distt.) shall compile the school-wise details of vacant seats under the General Category in Format-2 and forward the same to this branch latest by 09.03.2024(Saturday) for publicizing the school-wise vacant seats details in the public domain in order to facilitate the schools to get vacant seats filled.