COLDS and flu affect 15 million people each year in the UK.
One in five contact their GP, with many keen to get antibiotics – but the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence doesn’t recommend them because they don’t work on colds and flu, as they are viruses.

Antibiotics are for bacterial infections.
Jane Atkinson looks at the alternatives you can use at home to soothe winter lurgies.
PELARGONIUM, or geranium, is the first and only herbal medicine recommended as part of NICE guidelines as one of four self-care treatment options for adults and children over 12 to help treat coughs.
In lab studies, the herb was shown to kill bacteria and viruses, and stimulate the immune system.
Centoreze is a new, licensed pill containing 30mg of pelargonium root extract that is aimed at relieving the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections including a cough.
Recommended dosage is one tablet to be taken three times a day as soon as symptoms start to develop.
Each £10.95 pack contains a week’s course of tablets.
I took these when a cold started and although I still felt grotty my cough did subside.
WHILE all honey has antibacterial properties, only Manuka contains a high concentration of Methylglyoxal (MGO) which gives it such germ-fighting powers.
Manuka Honey’s strength is graded by MGO and UMF – Unique Manuka Factor – ratings.
The higher the number, the stronger and more intense the flavour and potential benefits.
The NHS recommends honey and lemon in a mug of warm water to soothe a sore throat.
And the beneficial properties of Manuka honey will not be affected when warmed for a short time.
I tried Comvita Manuka Honey, which is UMF-certified and only comes from New Zealand.
I went for MGO 263+ (UMF 10+). It really was soothing and comforting – and helped me sleep.
£25.59 down from £31.99, for 250g. See
IF you want a portable solution when travelling or at work, try Viridian’s elderberry throat spray for soothing relief.
The spray allows you to apply it directly to your sore throat.
It contains honey, marshmallow root and elderberry.
Elderberry has been shown to help soothe colds and is a great source of vitamin C, which is terrific for all round immunity.
Marshmallow root has antibacterial properties.
And for good measure this also contains Manuka honey.
The spray is certified organic by the Soil Association, does not contain artificial fillers or palm oil and is not tested on animals.
I loved the taste – it is quite refreshing when you are all bunged up, too.
Get 50ml for £18.95 at