Fujifilm has launched its newest instant camera called the Instax Mini 9 in India, at a price of Rs. 5,999. The camera will go on sale soon via both online and offline channels across the country. The highlights of the Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 include a wider range of colours, a selfie mirror, and a lens attachment for close-up shots. The camera joins Fujifilm’s existing range of instant cameras which includes the Mini 25, Mini 70, Mini 90, and Wide 300.
The Instax Mini 9 uses Fujifilm’s instax mini film cartridges to print your photos, giving you 62x46mm sized photographs. The camera, which will be available in five pastel colours, is built entirely of plastic but is well put together and feels pretty sturdy. Since this is a basic instant camera designed for teenagers and young adults, there isn’t much in terms of control except for the shutter button and dial around the lens to change set the exposure.
The shutter speed on the Instax Mini 9 is locked to 1/60 seconds and the flash fires every time you take a picture. The camera uses two AA batteries (included in the box), which according to Fujifilm, is good for about 100 shots. Each cartridge holds about 10 films and there’s a counter at the back of the camera to tell you how many shots are left.
Commenting on the launch, S.M. Ramprasad, Assistant Vice President at Fujifilm India Pvt. Ltd. said, “Our Instax range is a unique product, the only one of its kind that enables users to create instant photos that can remain with them forever. Our Instax range of cameras has gained huge popularity over the years. The Sales Volume Trend for Instax has crossed 6.6 Million units globally in FY 2016 which clearly indicates its success worldwide. We are very excited to welcome our new iconic camera – the Instax Mini 9 into the Instax family equipped with upgraded technology and advanced features. The new product has been designed keeping in mind the ever changing preferences of the Indian youth, offering unique features to complement the needs of these young customers.”
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