Fujifilm India on Wednesday launched a new analogue instant camera in India, the Instax Square SQ6, at Rs. 9,999. The camera comes in three colour options – Blush Gold, Graphite Grey, and Pearl White. It is compatible with square format films, allowing users to enjoy on-the-spot photo printing.
“Our Instax range is a unique product which has come a long way since its launch 10 years ago. The Sales Volume Trend for Instax has crossed 7.7 million units globally in FY 2017 which clearly indicates its success worldwide. We are very excited to welcome the all-new SQ6 with a host of versatile functions. The new product has been designed keeping in mind the ever-changing preferences of the Indian youth, offering unique features to complement their needs. Our Instax range has always found appreciation among the youth and we are sure that like its predecessors, SQ6 will also be applauded by these young customers,” Haruto Iwata, Managing Director, Fujifilm India, said in a statement.
The Instax Square SQ6 camera has three modes – Double Exposure Mode, Macro Mode, Landscape Mode. The first lets the camera overlap two photos on a single piece of film when the shutter is pressed twice. The Macro Mode can take photos as close by as 30cm. The Landscape Mode is meant for long-range photos. One feature called automatic exposure adjustment gets activated when the shutter button is pressed. There is also a Selfie Mode that automatically adjusts brightness and focal length for optimised selfie images.
Fujifilm said the Instax Square SQ6 detects the ambient brightness and adjusts to provide the optimum shutter speed and flash light intensity. Even in a dark room, subjects and the background can be shot vividly and clearly, the company said.
Written with inputs from IANS
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