Hindustan Aeronautics Limited has invited applications for the Apprentice posts on its official website. Those eligible can apply for the position till August 23.

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited which comes under the Ministry of Defence recently invited online applications for the apprentice posts on its official website. A total of 647 apprentice positions have been opened in the company as part of their latest recruitment drive. Candidates can apply online for the position by August 23 this year. Among these 647 posts, 350 are for the ITI Apprentice, 111 for Diploma Apprentice, and 186 for Graduate Apprentice. The candidates can apply for the Apprentice positions according to their education qualifications.
HAL Recruitment 2023: Key Dates
HAL started inviting online applications on August 2. The last day to apply for the apprentice positions is August 23. The document verification process is expected to take place between 4 to 16 September.
HAL Recruitment 2023: Educational Qualification
Those applying for the Graduate Apprenticeship should hold a graduate degree in the respective branch of Engineering, trades, Pharmacy, or Business Administration.
Meanwhile, the candidates who wish to be selected for the Diploma Apprentice will only be eligible if they have a diploma in the respective branch of Engineering, Medical Lab, Technology, Hotel Management, or Nursing.
On the other hand, an ITI Apprentice will require an ITI in the concerned trades. The candidates are also advised to check the notification link on the official website for details about the educational qualification necessary for the various posts.
HAL Recruitment 2023: How much is the stipend?
While the graduate apprentice will receive a stipend of Rs 9,000 per month, the apprentice with a diploma will earn up to Rs 8,000 every month. On the other hand, the stipend for the ITI apprentices has been kept at Rs 8,000 per month.
HAL Recruitment 2023: Application process
Here is how you can submit your application for HAL recruitment 2023.
The candidates can register for the post on the apprenticeship portals for obtaining a registration number. The applicant with an Engineering degree or diploma shall visit the website – www.mhrdnats.gov.in. Those who have completed B-ITI can go to the website – www. apprenticeshipindia.gov.in
Submit your application through the HAL Nasik application form, i.e Google form provided in the notification.
Lastly, cross-check the notification for details of the application process.
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