Keeping a level head during a heated mahjong round can take just as much mastery as winning the game itself.
Mahjong is no different to any other game when it comes to expecting a certain level of sportsmanship from players. There is a term – “paai ban” in Cantonese and “pai pin” in Mandarin – which means “tile character” that describes a player’s conduct. Reactions to unexpected twists can be a reflection of their true temperament.
Here are some codes of mahjong etiquette that every player should be aware of.
1. Play fair
This means no peeking!
If you lose, consider washing your hands before shaking others’, as it is believed your bad luck can rub off on them. This speaks to your integrity as a player on and off the mahjong court.

2. Accept victory or defeat with poise
There will be winners and losers in every mahjong game. Whatever fate you meet, the correct thing to do is to show appreciation for the time spent with your opponents.
It is proper practice to pay the player to whom you owe money, and it can be done with grace, too. There is always the next game in which to redeem yourself – or to win again.
Players who emerge victorious from a game should not gloat about their win if they are indeed of good paai ban.

3. Respect your opponents
It goes without saying that you should respect your fellow players – a passive aggressive comment here and an accusatory remark there can cause major outbreak of frustration or trigger calls from players ready to throw in the towel.
With mahjong being as competitive as it is, it is worth considering how the game offers lessons in patience, stoicism and tact which apply to your life away from the mahjong table.
Having good “tile character” and treating your opponents with respect will allow them to respect you as a player in return, and your character as a whole.