Those appearing for the IBPS Office Assistant Mains exam 2023 will be answering questions holding a total of 200 marks within 2 hours.

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has finally released the admit card for candidates applying for the Office Assistants in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) exam. Aspirants can download their hall tickets from the official website of IBPS at till September 22. The IBPS Office Assistant Mains examination will be taking place on September 22. The 2-hour test will include questions carrying a total of 200 marks. The paper will have questions from various subjects including Reasoning, English Language, Hindi Language, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, and Numerical Ability.
The latest recruitment drive by The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection wishes to fill a total of 5538 posts for Office Assistants. Applicants will be recruited on the basis of their performance in the IBPS RRB Preliminary Examination, IBPS RRB Main Examination, and the personal interview. Once selected, candidates will be provisionally allotted to one of the RRBs.
Aspirants may receive further information regarding the examination by checking out the official notification here.
How To Download IBPS Office Assistant Mains Admit Card 2023
The candidates will be able to download the admit cards for IBPS Office Assistant Mains exam by following the steps provided below:
Step 1
First of all, go to the official website of The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection at
Step 2
Once you reach the homepage, click on Office Assistant Main admit card 2023 link
Step 3
Next, put in your login details and hit the ‘submit’ button
Step 4
Check and download the admit card
Step 5
Do not forget to take a printout for future reference
Candidates will also be able to download the admit card directly from here.
While appearing for the examination, candidates are required to carry a valid photo ID proof in original and a photocopy for verification purposes, along with a printed copy of the admit card.
Additionally, aspirants are advised to keep the admit card secure even after the exam as it may be needed during the remainder of the selection process.
In order to garner any further details, candidates can go to the official website of IBPS at