It seems as if nothing will stop “Belltown Hellcat” owner Miles Hudson from doing burnouts and causing havoc in and around Seattle. Seattle’s Fox 13 reports that tire marks and social media posts over the weekend confirm that Hudson’s Charger Hellcat is still being a nuisance.
Despite local law enforcement officials staying on his ass, two reckless driving charges and over $80,000 in fines, Hudson’s Hellcat has still been backfiring and doing donuts and burnouts around the city. If you’re thinking that he can’t be that bold, you’re right. Even facing all of that and continuing his behavior, Hudson doesn’t appear to be that dumb. He’s still able to drive and post content with his car by using a little known loophole as Fox 13 explained.
Hudson appears to be exploiting a loophole by claiming he is not the one behind the wheel of his car. And one of his latest videos suggests he’s moving his Hellcat out of Seattle to new neighborhoods.
NSFW language below:
His latest social media post from Instagram on July 9 shows a group of masked people atop a parking garage with what looks to be another Charger Hellcat, a Challenger and an unknown fourth vehicle. The group engages in a shooting war with gel bead guns; the video switches to them chasing each other in the cars while shooting before ending. Fox 13 found the location of the parking garage at the local Westfield mall and found tire tracks showing the cars had been there.
It’s not really clear what else the city can do at this point. Hudson’s own mother has alleged that he doesn’t have the car anymore even though social media posts suggest otherwise. And the court order and fines don’t seem to be scaring him into stopping. It would seem the next logical step is to arrest Hudson and seize his car. And it seems city officials are considering it. A statement from the Seattle city attorney’s office to Fox 13 on June 10th said that the office is “looking into what more they can do.” Kind of makes you wonder why impounding his car wasn’t done in the first place.