Misa Bharati, the RJD candidate in the Lok Sabha polls and also the daughter of Lalu Prasad Yadav, while speaking to said that the people will bid farewell to the BJP-led NDA in this election.
“The country has decided their farewell… When the poor people are ruling, it is called ‘Jungle-raj’. Now the incidents that are happening are ‘Mangal-raj’, Misa said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing a public rally on Friday, said that Munger has suffered the most during the “dark era” of “Jungle Raj” in Bihar under the RJD’s rule.
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“There is an NDA model on one side and there is an INDI Alliance model on the other. INDI alliance model is appeasement (tushtikaran) and NDA’s model is satisfaction (santushtikaran). We have to ensure that no one is left behind. We gave toilets, gas, electricity connections, and water facilities to our mothers and sisters. We gave free ration and free medical treatment,” Modi said.Misa further lashed out at PM Modi, asking why the PM does not speak anything about the electoral bonds which recently was scrapped by the Supreme Court.”The PM is making allegations. Is he not able to listen to the statements of his own leaders? They are saying that they want 400 because they want to amend the Constitution. Why do they want ‘400 paar’?. I want to ask PM Modi why he gave the poor man’s money to capitalists who ran abroad. Why is the PM not answering on the electoral bonds?” she said.