Actress Sanya Malhotra, who was last seen in Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan, was recently seen dancing on the song of his film Chennai Express, One Two Three, at her sister Shagunn Malhotra’s wedding function. The video of the actress dancing and having a gala time was shared on social media by her friend Joe, and it went viral in no time.
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Malhotra, who has acknowledged ‘manifesting’ working with Bollywood’s Baadshah Shah Rukh Khan several times in the past, recently opened up about her latest film Jawan’s historic success in an interview. The 31-year-old actress, who has garnered extensive praise for her role in the action-thriller as SRK’s formidable girl gang, told Pinkvilla how ‘fortunate and blessed’ she is to be a part of the Atlee directorial.
Sanya Malhotra on Shah Rukh Khan-starrer’s success
As part of a candid chat with the entertainment news portal, Sanya Malhotra expressed her feelings of being lucky to be a part of the film which has Shah Rukh Khan and Lady Superstar Nayanthara in lead roles. Not just this, the Dangal star also expressed exuberance at being finally offered the opportunity to be cast alongside King Khan.
The actress said, “I feel fortunate to be a part of it and I have been so excited to tell this to people now. I was promoting Kathal and that’s when I first posted anything about being a part of it. So some of my friends had no idea that I was a part of Jawan or in a film with Shah Rukh sir. I got so many reactions, calls and messages from my friends saying ‘Hume kyun nahi bataya’ because who’s not a Shah Rukh Khan fan? The film is massive and I feel so fortunate and blessed to be a part of it.”