JEE Main 2024 Result for Paper 2A (B.Arch.) and 2B (B.Planning) will be issued in the next few days at Check details here.

JEE Main 2024 Result for Paper 2A (B.Arch.) and 2B (B.Planning) will be issued in the next few days; candidates are advised to keep their login credentials ready. All those candidates who have appeared for the Joint Entrance Examination(JEE) Main Session 1 on January 24 can download the JEE Main Session 1 NTA Scores for Paper 2A (B. Arch), Paper 2B (B. Planning) and Paper 2A & 2B (B. Arch & B. Planning both) at But what if the score obtained by the two candidates is the same? To know more, read the tie-breaker rules below.
Paper 2A (B. Arch): Mathematics (Part-I) and Aptitude Test (Part-II) in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode only and Drawing Test (Part-III) in Pen and Paper Based (offline) mode, to be attempted on a drawing sheet of A4 size.
Method of resolving ties: The tie between candidates obtaining equal Total NTA scores in Paper 2A: B. Arch will be resolved in the following manner:
- 1. NTA score in Mathematics, followed by
- 2. NTA score in Aptitude Test, followed by
- 3. NTA score in Drawing Test, followed by
- 4. Candidate with less proportion of a number of attempted incorrect answers and correct answers in all the subjects in the Test, followed by
- 5. Candidate with less proportion of a number of attempted incorrect answers and correct answers in Mathematics (Part-I) in the Test, followed by
- 6. Candidate with less proportion of a number of attempted incorrect answers and correct answers in Aptitude Test (Part-II) in the Test followed by
- 7. Older in Age followed by
- 8. Application Number in ascending order
Paper 2B (B. Planning) Part-I: Mathematics, Part-II: Aptitude Test, and Part-III: PlanningBased Questions in Computer-Based Test (CBT) mode only
Method of resolving ties: Tie between candidates obtaining equal Total NTA Planning will be resolved in the following manner:
- 1. NTA score in Mathematics, followed by
- 2. NTA score in Aptitude Test, followed by
- 3. NTA score in Planning Based Questions, followed by
- 4. Candidate with less proportion of a number of attempted incorrect answers and correct answers in all the subjects in the Test, followed by
- 5. Candidate with less proportion of a number of attempted incorrect answers and correct answers in Mathematics (PartI) in the Test, followed by
- 6. Candidate with less proportion of a number of attempted incorrect answers and correct answers in Aptitude Test (PartII) in the Test, followed by
- 7. Candidate with less proportion of a number of attempted incorrect answers and correct answers in Planning Based Questions (Part-III) in the Test followed by
- 8. Older in Age followed by
- 9. Application Number in ascending order
JEE Main 2024 Result For Paper 2(Download link to be active soon)
The NTA Score of a Candidate has been calculated as follows: 100 X Number of candidates appeared in the ‘Session’ with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than the candidate/ Total number of candidates who appeared in the ‘Session’ For more details, candidates are advised to track the official website of JEE.