Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) has released the results of the students of class X and XII who took the compartment exams this year. The candidates can check the results through the official website- jacresults.com

New Delhi: The Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) has announced the results of the students of class X and XII who appeared in the Compartment Exams this year, on September 11, 2023. The examination was conducted in March and April this year and speaking of the JAC 10th examination, a total of 4,33,718 students gave the exam and out of this number, 95.38% students cleared it. Compartment exams were held for students who could not clear the exam in one or two papers. The results for this examination can be checked by the students online, with the help of their roll number and roll code, by visiting the official website for the JAC results- jacresults.com. To know the exact process for the same, read further..
JAC Class 10th-12th Compartment Results 2023: How To Check
- As mentioned earlier, to check the compartment results of class X and XII announced by JAC, you have to visit the official JAC website- jacresults.com
- On the homepage of this website, you will find the links for the results of both Class X and Class XII Compartment Exams 2023; class 10th students must click on the link that reads ‘Results of Compartmental Secondary Examination – 2023’ and class 12th students must select the link ‘Results of Compartmental Intermediate Examination – 2023’
- As soon as the candidate clicks on one of the above mentioned links, he/she will be redirected to a new page where they have to enter their Roll Number and Roll Code
- Now, your compartment result will be shown on your device’s screen. Check your result and also download the same in case of future reference.
Direct Links For Results:
Class 10 Compartment Exams Results 2023
Class 12 Compartment Exams Results 2023
What Next, After Declaration Of Class 12th Compartment Results 2023?
Students who took the Compartment Exams for Class 12, must submit their marksheets and certificates to their colleges after they have collected the same from their school. In case there is any student who has failed to qualify the Compartment Exam, he/she will have to reappear for the annual examination the next year. Please note that the passing marks for both theory and practical papers is a minimum of 33%.
Details In The JAC Board Class 12 Compartment Exams Results 2023
The result that the class XII students will get, will include their Roll Code, Roll Number, Registration Number, Serial Number, Date of Birth, the Name of the School, Name of the Student, Name of the Student’s Parents, Subject-wise Marks Obtained, Total Marks Obtained, Result Status and Marks Percentage.