Students can check and raise objections on the NTA CUET PG answer key from the official website –

CUET PG 2023 Result 2023: The Common University Entrance Test Postgraduate (CUET PG) 2023 answer key objection window will close tomorrow, July 15, 2023. Students can check and raise objections on the NTA CUET PG answer key from the official website – Central University Entrance Test (CUET), for admission to different programmes of the participating Central Universities, will provide a single window opportunity to the students to seek admission in these participating Universities / Institute(s) across the country.
To raise objections on the CUET PG answer key 2023, candidates need to pay a refundable fee of ₹ 200 per question challenged. The key finalized by the Experts after the challenge will be final. No challenge will be accepted after 15 July 2023 (up to 11:50 P.M.). Challenges accepted against any Answer Key will be applicable to all candidates who would have attempted the corresponding Question. Candidates are advised to note that in bi-lingual question papers, in case of any discrepancy in the translation, the English version shall prevail except in Language Test papers,” NTA in an official notification said.
Answer Key Challenge for CUET PG 2023
CUET PG 2023 Answer Key: How To Raise Objections
- Please go to the website
- Login with your Application Number, Password, or Login with Application Number and Date of Birth and enter the Security Pin as displayed, and click on the Login Button.
- Click the ‘View/Challenge Answer Key’ button.
- The Option(s) next to the Question ID under the column ‘Correct Option(s)’ stands for the most appropriate Answer Key to be used by NTA.
- If you wish to challenge this option, you may use any one or more of the Options given in the next five columns by clicking the check box.
- You may want to upload supporting documents in which you can select ‘Choose File’ and upload (all documents are to be put in a single pdf file).
- After clicking on your desired Option(s) ID for Challenge scroll down and click on ‘Submit and Review Claims’ and move to the next screen. You must ensure to select all the required options(s) before moving further.
- You will see a display of all the Question ID and Option(s) you have challenged. You may still modify your selection by clicking on ‘Modify Claim’. Once you have selected all the Option(s) ID for Challenge you can click on ‘Save Claim and Pay Fee.’
- Click on ‘Save Claim and Pay Fee’ to select payment options. No modification will be allowed after payment.
- Select t he Mode of Payment and Pay a non-refundable processing fee @ ₹ 200/- for each question challenged. Make payment through Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI.
The National Testing Agency conducted Common University Entrance Test [CUET (PG)] – 2023 from 05 June to 17 June 2023 and 22 June to 30 June 2023 in 295 cities across India and 24 cities outside India for about 876908 candidates. For further clarification related to CUET (PG) – 2023, the candidates can also contact 011- 40759000 or email at [email protected].
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