Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) LOC Registrations for the academic year 2023-24 have started and the last date for submission of these forms has also been announced. Check the last date and also know what will happen if you do not submit the form on time.

New Delhi: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) LOC Registrations for the academic year 2023-24 are underway and it is considered to be one of the most important procedures for the board exams; the registrations started on August 18, 2023. The submission of the data shall be done through the e-Pariksha link which is mentioned on the official website of CBSE- https://cbse.gov.in.
How To Submit LOC Data For CBSE Board Exams 2023-24
Please note that the LOC Data should be correct and the teachers must make sure that this data is sent within the prescribed schedule or dates. Before proceeding with the submission of the LOC, schools must upload all the data on the OASIS and HPE Portal. Schools will not be allowed to make any changes in the declared section or strength of students, as applied on the OASIS portal and once the data has been submitted on the HPE Portal, will the schools be able to finalize the LOC data. The HPE Portal link is also available on the official website of CBSE.
CBSE LOC Registrations Last Date
The ‘affiliation number’ of the schools will be used as a User ID to upload the required data and new schools who have not received their instructions or passwords, must first contact the concerned regional CBSE office. The last date to complete LOC Registrations is September 18, 2023 and till this date, no late fee will be taken.
Principals/Schools To Ensure The Following For LOC Submission
According to the official notification by CBSE, the principals or schools must ensure that candidates sponsored are their own regular and bonafied students and no bonafied students’ name is left unsponsored. Schools must also ensure that the students are not from unaffiliated schools, they are regularly attending classes at school and they are not registered with any other board along with CBSE. It should also be checked that students are eligible for appearing in the Board exams as per the Examination Bylaws’ provisions and Class XII students must also confirm that they have passed their Class X board exam from a recognised school education board on or before academic year 2022.
The objective of the LOC (List of Candidates) prepared by CBSE is to get a list of basic details of all the students, preparted by the schools. It includes the demographic data and subject combinations that have been selected by the students. Details submitted in the LOC cannot be changed later.
(Note: No window for correction in the uploaded data will be made available. Uploading correct data is the responsibility of the school concerned.)
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