Loo, who is the prosecution’s 50th witness, said this when questioned by Deputy Public Prosecutor Deepa Nair Thevaharan at Najib’s 1MDB trial on Wednesday.

“I didn’t enter Najib’s residence, I just waited at the gate,” she said.
In her 63-page witness statement, Loo said that in 2012 and 2013, she prepared documents – special rights redeemable preference shareholder resolution (SRRP) and minutes by a representative of holding company (MR) – by printing them and placing them in a folder.
“I gave them to Jho Low by hand delivery anywhere that Jho Low directed, including at Najib’s door at his residence in Langgak Duta, Kuala Lumpur.
“If not, I would give the plastic folder to any individual directed by Jho Low, and that individual would hand it over to Jho Low to obtain the signature. Only after the signature was obtained, Jho Low would hand over the SSRP and MR to me personally, or to any individual to be given to me.

On Tuesday, Loo told the court that during her time at 1MDB, she would only meet with Najib at meetings or events related to 1MDB together with 1MDB’s management and that she had never met with Najib alone or directly for any company related matters.
Najib, 70, is on trial for 25 charges in total – four for abuse of power that allegedly brought him the financial benefit to the tune of 2.28 billion ringgit (US$476 million); and 21 for money laundering involving the same amount of money.