The bailiff was likely relieved when the son of God wasn’t the man set to walk into a Wisconsin courtroom for sentencing yesterday. While the Gospels have multiple accounts of Jesus performing miracles, the Apostles (including Judas) never saw the Messiah steal a police cruiser twice in the Dairy State.
Someone stole an unoccupied Shorewood Police Department Ford Explorer last May while officers were conducting a traffic stop. According to WTMJ, a witness said a suspect who “looked like Jesus” abandoned the SUV several blocks away and ran. Milwaukee police later arrested 34-year-old Daniel Barton outside of a Planet Fitness. He admitted to committing the theft during a police interview. Barton said he was panhandling nearby and “felt the urge to drive.” He also admitted that he had been diagnosed with extreme schizophrenia and paranoia.
This isn’t the first time that Barton has been accused of stealing a police car. He was arrested in December 2022 over an incident where he stole a Milwaukee police car, WISN reported. He was eventually found by police hiding in a trash car. The court decided that a doctor should evaluate Barton to determine if he could stand trial. However, delays meant that he could be held in custody until the evaluation could be performed. Barton was released before the assessment and his court date.
Barton faces a misdemeanor charge for each police vehicle theft, which carries a maximum fine of $10,000 or nine months in jail. While he will likely face punishment, one can only hope the state gives Barton the medical assistance he needs.