Though the Bharatiya Janata Party could not get a majority on its own in the polls, the party-led alliance secured 293 seats out of 543. BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) on Monday declared Modi as their leader of coalition after winning 293 seats in the Lok Sabha polls.
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In addition to sweeping Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand, the BJP’s biggest success came from Odisha, where it won 19 out of 21 Lok Sabha seats and also form its first government in the state. The BJP’s campaign, focusing on “Odisha asmita,” successfully ended the over two-decade-long rule of Naveen Patnaik’s government.”The people of the country have expressed their trust in the NDA for the third consecutive time. This is an unprecedented moment in the history of India. I thank my family for their love and blessings. I assure the countrymen that to fulfil their aspirations, we will move forward with new energy, new enthusiasm, and new resolves,” PM Modi earlier said on X.Also Read: Reservation scrapping threat, candidate selection among factors for BJP losses
“I express my heartfelt gratitude and congratulations to all the workers for the dedication and tireless hard work they have done,” he added.
Which world leaders are set to attend the swearing-in ceremony?
Prominent figures from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, and Mauritius are likely to receive invitations to attend Modi’s oath-taking ceremony.
Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe, Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina and Nepal PM Prachanda may arrive to New Delhi fr the oath-taking ceremony.
NDA meet outcome
The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) unanimously passed a resolution to elect Narendra Modi as their leader for the third time. This decision was taken during a crucial meeting held at the Prime Minister’s official residence in Delhi on Wednesday.
The NDA leaders expressed their admiration for Prime Minister Modi’s leadership and the progress made by the nation under his guidance over the past decade.
Meanwhile, the President of India also dissolved the 17th Lok Sabha on Wednesday.