A woman has been banned from driving her vehicle at a private school in Lake County, Florida, for advertising her OnlyFans channel with a decal. The mother of three was prohibited from driving her sticker-clad SUV at the behest of other parents, while administrators say that the OnlyFans decal does not align with Liberty Christian Prep School’s values. They claim the decal on Cline’s Dodge Durango is causing “disharmony” among its students, as WESH reports.
Michelle Cline, 35, runs an account on the “creator first platform” with her husband, who were both confused by the timing of the ban. Cline had driven through the pick-up and drop-off lane at the Christian school for years prior to a complaint being submitted. This ultimately ended with her being forbidden to drive her private vehicle on campus, as Cline tells WESH reporters:
The woman is still allowed to pick her kids up at the school, according to Liberty Christian administrators, but her car is not allowed on campus grounds. During her interview with reporters, the OnlyFans mommy responded to the ban by saying it’s the parents at the school who are blowing this out of proportion. She goes on to explain the ban came unexpectedly in the last few weeks. Per WESH:
The headmaster of the Liberty Christian Prep School allegedly told Michelle Cline that she’s allowed to come on school property but her car is not.
“The word that I was told by the headmaster was that it was causing ‘disharmony’ at the school. At the end of the day, it’s just a sticker. I feel like the parents are making it a bigger deal than the kids,” Cline said.
Cline, who runs the account with her husband, says they’ve attended Liberty Church and their children have attended the prep school for years.
She says she’s driven on campus with the decal for two years.
“It’s just been the last three weeks that it’s been an issue,” Cline said.
It seems that the OnlyFans decal, indeed, led curious parents to Cline’s channel recently: The grievance that led to her ban was submitted by Lexy and Tony Thomas, whose children also attend the Christian school. The couple were not shy about their involvement, foregoing anonymity to disclose their reasons for filing a complaint, as they explained to WESH:
“Every single time that car comes on the campus, kids are exposed to that and kids are aware of it and kids have been looking it up,” Tony said.
“If what you’re doing doesn’t align with the values that the school has put into place — it is a private school — then if you don’t want to abide by those rules, you’re kind of making the choice to park yourself across the street,” Lexy said.
Cline says her kids will be finishing out the school year at Liberty Christian Prep but she’s not sure they’ll return next year, and Lexy said the same.
“We can’t control people, no matter how much I dislike something someone does, but if we pay an institute to do their job, they can,” Lexy said.
Sure, Tony. It was the kids looking up the OnlyFans account; Liberty Christian counts students from preschool through the twelfth grade. For its part, the private school tells reporters it has no comment on the matter. Until Cline can have the ban rescinded, or unless she removes the decal from her car, she will have to park across the street when picking up her kids. She adds that doing so is unsafe, however, because the intersection she would have to cross in order to reach Liberty Christian Prep School lacks a crosswalk.