NEET PG Counselling 2023: This year, the MCC NEET PG 2023 Counselling Round 1 Seat Allotment Result will be announced on August 5.

NEET PG Counselling 2023: The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) will conclude the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test Postgraduate (NEET PG) counselling choice-filling process on August 2, 2023. Meanwhile, the competent authority will begin the choice-locking process from 03:00 PM of August 2, 2023. The processing of seat allotment will be conducted on August 3 to August 4, 2023.
This year, the MCC NEET PG 2023 Counselling Round 1 Seat Allotment Result will be announced on August 5. Candidates will be allowed to upload the documents on the MCC portal on August 6, 2023. It is mandatory for candidates to carry their original documents during physical reporting to the college/institute for confirmation /joining of seats.
What’s Next After NEET PG Counselling 2023 Choice Filling?
- Process of Seat Allotment Round-1
- Publication of result of Round-1 on the MCC website, mandatory uploading of essentials documents on the MCC website for seat allotted candidates.
- Physical Reporting at the allotted Medical/Dental College with original documents against Round-1 (one).
- Candidates who have been allotted a seat in round one (1) can opt for free exit and can directly participate in round two.
- Candidates who have been allotted a seat in round one (1) can opt for willingness to upgrade from round 1 to round 2 only after physical reporting at the college/institute.
- If a registered candidate is not allotted a seat in round one (1), he can participate in round 2 directly without fresh registration.
- Candidates willing to upgrade from Round 1 to Round 2 have to report at the allotted institute/college with the original documents of Round 1 and complete the admission formalities. During the completion of admission formalities, if the candidate wishes to upgrade then he/she has to give willingness for upgradation in the college.
NEET PG Counselling 2023: How To Fill Choices Online?
- Visit the official website of the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) at
- On the homepage, click on the ‘NEET PG 2023 counselling’ link
- Enter your login details and click on submit.
- Now, fill in the choices of subjects and institutions in the order of preference. Lock the choices and click on the submit option.
Questions You Must Ask
Is it necessary to fill up the choices and lock the choices to get seat allotted? Or I will be allotted seat automatically from available seats?
Ans: After online registration (registration is compulsory to take part in the online allotment process), you have to fill in choice of subjects and Institutions/colleges in order of preference. Once choices are filled in, it can be modified before locking it. During the choice locking period, it is necessary to lock the choices to get a print of your submitted choices. If the candidate does not lock the choice submitted by him/her, they will be automatically locked on notified date at the notified time, however, you will be allowed to take a print of your choices after locking, but you will not be permitted to modify your choices after locking.
“Don’t wait till the last minute to lock your choices and to take aprintout. Please go through your submitted choices before locking as once you lock the choices the same cannot be changed or even modified if you have made a mistake. Mistake in filling choices may result in allotment of a seat which you never wanted. Also, it won’t be possible to unlock your choices at MCC’s end,” MCC in an official notification said.
NEET PG Counselling 2023 Schedule – Direct Link
NEET PG Counselling 2023 Registration – Direct Link
NEET PG Counselling 2023 Information Bulletin – Direct Link
Can I modify my choices during the choice submission period for counseling?
Yes, you can modify, add or delete your choices during this period, before you lock your choices. However, the registration (of New Users) is permitted up to the specified date and time specified in counselling Schedule, only.
I have not locked my choices before the time specified in counseling schedule on last date of choice locking, what will happen to my choices?
The choices submitted and saved by you will be locked by the system at the time of last date/date of choice locking as mentioned in Counseling Schedule, automatically. Once locked, the choices cannot be altered/modified/changed.
How can I get a print out of my choices that which system has locked?
After the specified time of last date/date of choice locking (or after choice locking) print out can be taken from MCC website after login by the Candidate, link is available on the page as “Print Lock Choice”.
If I get an up-graded seat during second round of AIQ/ Deemed /Central University/DNB from Round-1, can I join that college directly?
No, you will have to get a relieving letter from the earlier institute/college (of ROUND-1) generated on- line, before you can join the next college/institution.
Is it necessary to join allotted Medical / Dental College in Round-1 to get chance to participate in next round (2nd Round)?
If a candidate does not report at the allotted institute in Round-1, this will be considered as ‘Free Exit’ (option available only in Round-1). However, candidates who have not joined (the Round- 1 allotted seat) by availing the free exit option may participate again in Round-2 after logging in with their earlier Registration details.
In case a candidate wants to ensure /retain his/her Round -1 seat and wants to upgrade his/her allotted seat, he/she should join Round-1 seat and give willingness for Up-gradation at the allotted college. However, if a candidate wants to participate directly in Round-2 without retaining the Round-1 seat he/she may not join the college and do choice filling for Round-2 since Round-1 has free exit option.
In the above said case he/she cannot claim the Round-1 seat. Please note that in case you are satisfied with the seat allotted to you in Round-1 and do not give willingness for up-gradation in Round-2 as ‘Yes’, you will not be considered eligible for participating in Round-2 i.e. for up-gradation of your choice.
There will be four rounds of AIQ counseling i.e. Round 1, Round 2, AIQ third Round, and AIQ Stray Vacancy Round (SLA(C) No. 10487 of 2021 before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India). Candidates are advised to go through these important questions related to the scheme of counselling (refer to Bulletin) before registering on the MCC website, in order to understand the scheme of counseling.
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