Nokia 6, priced at Rs. 14,999, has received over one million registrations on and customers can buy the smartphone from August 23. Registrations for the first sale began on July 14. The Amazon India launch offers for Nokia 6 include Rs. 1,000 cashback for Amazon Prime users when they purchase the device using Amazon Pay balance. Vodafone users will get 10GB data per month at Rs. 249 per month for 5 months on their Nokia 6. All buyers will also get 80 percent off on Kindle eBooks (up to Rs. 300), and Rs. 2,500 off on (Rs. 1,800 on hotels & Rs.700 off on domestic flights).
Nokia 6 specifications
Nokia 6 specifications include a 5.5-inch full-HD 2.5D screen with Corning Gorilla Glass protection and a fingerprint sensor. The Nokia 6 runs on Android 7.0 Nougat and is powered by Snapdragon 430 SoC coupled with 3GB of RAM. The handset packs 32GB inbuilt storage, and supports microSD cards up to 128GB capacity, and houses a 3000mAh battery.
On the camera front, the Nokia 6 sports a 16-megapixel rear sensor, while the front camera’s resolution is 8-megapixel and both come with an f/2.0 aperture. The handset has USB 2.0 port for connectivity, fingerprint sensor in the front, dual stereo speakers and Dolby Atmos audio enhancement.
In India, HMD Global launched the Nokia 3, Nokia 5, and Nokia 6 in June, but only the Nokia 3 is currently available in the market. In a statement, HMD Global has detailed its performance in India, and has confirmed that the Nokia 5 will not be available to buy until mid-August.
Written with inputs from IANS