Given the major box office clash with Sunny Deol’s Hindi, Rajinikanth’s Tamil and Chiranjeevi’s Telugu films, Akshay Kumar’s latest Hindi movie OMG 2 was never touted to be a huge hit. Surprisingly, the film has managed to register a decent score at the ticket windows and has also shown significant growth over five days since its release on August 11. Globally, the film has earned $12 mllion.
Starring Pankaj Tripathi, Yami Gautam, and Kumar in lead roles, the film was vying for the attention of the Indian audience alongside Anil Sharma’s Gadar 2, Nelson Dilipkumar’s Jailer, and Meher Ramesh’s Bholaa Shankar.
OMG 2 has grossed $10 million in five days in Indian markets alone. The film registered very low opening in India with mere $1.4 million. On the second day, the collections saw a slight jump and the film earned $1.8 million; and the collections rose significantly to $2.1 million on Sunday, the film’s third day in theatres. The Monday dip was not too much and OMG 2 managed to keep the figure above $1 million ($1.4 million). The Hindi movie’s fifth day (holiday owing to the Indian Independence Day) collection equalled that of the third day.
The nett collections of OMG 2 in India is $8.6 million in five days, as per a statement issued by the producers. While the film has crossed $10 million worldwide, OMG 2 will take time crossing that mark in India. The major limitation in the path is the lesser number of screens it got – the film could not even manage 1000 screens across the country. Besides, Gadar 2 and Jailer are performing tremendously well and running full-houses across the country.
OMG 2 traces the story of Kanti Sharan Mudgal (Tripathi) and his fight for his son. Kumar turns into Hindu God Shiva’s representative – ‘shivgan’ – a divine charcter nonetheless, and the film uses the backdrop of Hindu scriptures and rituals to underline the importance of sex education. Gautam plays a menancing lawyer in the film opposing the need for sex education in schools.
Not only does the film address one of the least talked-about subjects, it does so in a sensitive as well as entertaining manner. Tripathi and Gautam have lived up to the expectations they generate within their fanbase and Kumar completes the aura of the entire film with his charm. With their craft, the sensitively and authentically written screenplay; and swiftly edited scenes, the actors appear like they are simply being themselves, not acting.
Ahead of its release, OMG 2 faced troubles at the film certification board in India. The makers wanted a U/A (permitted viewing for all ages, under parental guidance), the board awarded them an A certificate (adults only). No official statement has been issued by the makers but a few actors have stated that they wish the film could be also screened for teenagers.
The main problem in the matter is that unlike many other countries around the world, the Indian board does not have any separate category defined for teens. Allowing the film to be screened to minors would have opened it for all ages, defeating the purpose of certification. The officials at the board must plan more changes in the rules and introduce a separate category for teens.
Directed by Amit Rai, OMG 2 is a continuation of Kumar’s 2012 film OMG – Oh My God! which featured him as the Hindu God Krishna. Paresh Rawal played the role of a businessman fighting a court case against God’s representatives (the temple’s priest and self-proclaimed Godmen) after he fails to get his insurance money following a natural disaster. The first film was directed by Umesh Shukla, and questioned the superstitions being followed in the society. Made on an estimated budget of $6 million, the first film received rave reviews and earned more than $10 million.