As if drivers didn’t have enough to worry about, here comes something else. 6ABC reports drivers are being warned about a new gas station scam out of Pennsylvania called “pump switching.”
The warning comes from police in Lower Merion Twp., Pennsylvania. The scam works like this: you’re at the gas station, pumping gas. Suddenly someone walks up to you, demanding that you let them help you pump your gas. They’re aggressive to the point that police say they refuse people who turn them down for help. Eventually, it’ll get to the point where they take control of the gas pump to “help” you; one woman it happened to described it as the suspect taking the pump out of her hand as she was putting it back in. When the person leaves, the suspect fails to put the pump back to finish the transaction.
Once the thief has the pump, they’ll then use the original person’s still active transaction to pump gas for other drivers who pull into the station, in exchange for cash. It’s all a little blatant, but it’s happened, enough so that police are giving people tips on how to keep themselves safe, like making sure to put the pump back and hitting “end transaction.”
Some victims that have been targeted don’t know anything has happened for days or weeks at a time because of how long it takes for the transaction to process. But all you should really do to protect yourself at the gas station is to watch your back and not accept help, especially if it’s help for something that most people don’t usually need help with to start.