If you plan to do a lot of off-roading, the Toyota 4Runner is an excellent choice. And with features such as a locking rear differential, part-time four-wheel drive and crawl control, the 4Runner TRD Off-Road can be a great starting point for an adventurous build. That said, no one is forcing you to take a 4Runner off-road. You could always completely throw that out the window and build a giant pavement princess like the 2018 Toyota 4Runner TRD Off-Road that’s currently for sale on Cars & Bids.
Yes, as the wheels and tires make abundantly clear right out of the gate, this Toyota 4Runner is designed for crushing pedestrians without even the barest pretense of maybe one day venturing off the beaten path. This 4Runner is all street, all the time. And with a 12-inch lift, good luck seeing those pedestrians before they’re already splattered beneath you.

As for how this thing handles on the highway, we don’t even want to think about it. Especially considering this is a Texas build, and highway speeds in Texas are on a different level than anywhere else in the country. Maybe that’s why it’s only been driven 4,100 miles over the last six years. The owner is just too scared to drive it more than a few miles at a time. Not that we blame them. We wouldn’t want to drive most SEMA builds.
If you’re considering adding this child crusher to your garage, you should know that it’s listed with a reserve, so the highest bid still might not take it home. Also, there’s still a loan on the 4Runner, but while the seller says they can’t confirm the amount, they claim it’s less than the current bid of $31,000, so there’s nothing to worry about. Just be careful in any pedestrian or school zones.