JKPSC Recruitment 2023: Candidates can apply for 247 Medical Officer Allopathic vacancies in the department at jkpsc.nic.in by today by paying the prescribed application fee.

JKPSC Recruitment 2023: The last date to apply for recruitment to the post of Medical Officer Allopathic in the Health and Medical Education Department under the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) is today, September 5. Candidates willing to apply must visit the official website of Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission at jkpsc.nic.in and submit their applications at the earliest. They should note that the written examination is tentatively scheduled to be held on September 17. The JKPSC recruitment examination will be held at various centers across Srinagar and Jammu. JKPSC recruitment drive is conducted to fill up a total of 247 Medical Officer Allopathic vacancies in the department.
JKPSC Recruitment 2023: Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit: Unreserved category candidates applying for the post must be 40 years of age as on January 1, 2023. However, upper age relaxation is applicable for reserved category candidates.
Educational Qualification: To be eligible for the post, candidates must possess MBBS or recognised graduate medical qualification included in the first or second scheduled or Part-II of the 3rd scheduled to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
JKPSC Recruitment 2023: Application Fee
Unreserved category applicants registering for the posts are required to pay an application fee of Rs 1,000, whereas Rs 500 is applicable for reserved category applicants. Primary Health Centers (PHC) candidates are exempted from payment of the application fee.
JKPSC Recruitment 2023: How To Apply For Medical Officer Allopathic Posts
Step 1: Candidates are advised to visit the official website of Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission at jkpsc.nic.in.
Step 2: Go to the ‘Recruitment’ tab and select Jobs/Online Application on the homepage
Step 3: Now, select on the Direct Recruitment and click on the application link for MOA posts available
Step 4: Once done, log in to your account using your credentials
Step 5: Fill up the application form and upload all the essential documents as directed in the form
Step 6: Pay the prescribed application fee and hit submit
Step 7: Then, download the form and take a printout for future reference
Direct link to JKPSC Recruitment for MOA posts
In case of any further related details or queries, candidates are advised to visit the official website of Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission at jkpsc.nic.in.