A total of 24,250 candidates attempted the FMGE 2023 June session, and out of that 21,180 candidates were unable to qualify. 495 candidates were absent on the day of the examination.

The examination for the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination June session took place on July 30 this year. Now, the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) has declared the results of the exam. A total of 24,250 candidates attempted the examination, and out of this, 21,180 candidates were unable to qualify. Meanwhile, 495 students failed to appear for the test. Over and above this, the results of 116 candidates have been withheld by NBEMS. The Results of the candidates whose face ID is under verification, court matters, and the candidates whose security clearances are awaited have been kept on hold.
Candidates can check their results on the official websites of the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences at nbe.edu.in and natboard.edu.in. The result has been declared in an open PDF format on the NBEMS official website. The National Board of Examination in Medical Sciences will be informing the candidates individually regarding the schedule for the in-person distribution of FMGE June 2023 pass certificates.
Aspirants will be able to check and download the FMGE June 2023 scorecards from 31 August 2023 at the official website – natboard.edu.in and nbe.edu.in.
How Can You Check The Result For FMGE 2023 June Session
Now, let us see how one can check the results for the FMGE 2023 June Session. Follow the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Firstly, visit the official website of the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) at https://nbe.edu.in or https://natboard.edu.in.
Step 2: As you reach the homepage of the website, scan for the ‘Results’ or ‘Exam Results’ section
Step 3: Next, click on the link “FMGE 2023 June Session Result.”
Step 4: The result is going to be available in an open PDF format. When you click on the link, you will be able to access the PDF document.
Step 5: Look for your name or roll number among the listed candidates
Step 6: If you are able to find your result, it means you have cleared the exam. You can download your FMGE June 2023 scorecard. The option to download the scorecard is available along with the result details.
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