Samsung launched the Galaxy Watch 5 series in August 2022 and now the company is reportedly working on the next generation of its smartwatches. Samsung could launch the Galaxy Watch 6 later this year, which means it is still months away from its debut. However, rumours and speculations over the upcoming watch have already started doing the rounds on the Internet. The latest report suggests that the upcoming device would come with a bigger battery capacity than the Galaxy Watch 5. The Galaxy Watch 6 has been recently spotted on Safety Korea certification website, revealing its battery specifications.
According to a report by Galaxy Club, Samsung will bring the new Galaxy Watch 6 with a larger battery than the Galaxy Watch 5. The purported Galaxy Watch 6 40mm has been spotted on Safety Korea certification website with a battery capacity of 300mAh. This means the next-gen Galaxy Smartwatch will get a 5 percent bigger battery than the 284mAh battery on the Galaxy Watch 5.
Additionally, the 44mm variant of the Galaxy Watch 6 is also listed on the website, bearing product code EB-BR945ABY. It is said to carry a battery capacity of 425mAh. As of now, there are no further details available on the Upcoming smartwatch from Samsung. The company is yet to confirm anything about the Galaxy Watch 6.
Samsung launched the Galaxy Watch 5 series in August 2022 at the Galaxy Unpacked 2022 event. The smartwatch features a BioActive sensor that measures heart rate, SpO2, and stress levels, and also includes ECG and blood pressure monitors. It sports a temperature sensor that uses infrared technology, and includes an accelerometer, barometer, gyroscope, compass, and light sensor.
The Galaxy Watch 5 offers an IP68 rating for dust and water (5 ATM) resistance. It supports SoundCloud and Deezer to stream music and audio. Connectivity options include WiFi, Bluetooth v5.2, NFC, and GPS support.