SBI PO Mains Call Letter 2023: The State Bank of India(SBI) will release the call letter for the mains examination which is scheduled to be held for the recruitment of Probationary Officers. Aspirants

SBI PO Mains Call Letter 2023: The State Bank of India(SBI) will release the call letter for the mains examination which is scheduled to be held for the recruitment of Probationary Officers. Aspirants can download the SBI PO Mains Call Letter 2023 by visiting the official website of the Bank – Going by the schedule, the SBI PO Mains examination will be conducted on December 5, 2023. To access the SBI PO Mains admit card 2023, a registered candidate needs to enter his/her registration number/roll number and password/date of birth.
The Main Examination will be conducted online and will consist of Objective Tests for 200 marks and Descriptive Test for 50 marks. The Descriptive Test will be administered immediately after the conclusion of the Objective Test and candidates will have to type their Descriptive Test answers on the computer.
SBI PO Mains Exam Pattern
- Objective Test: The duration of the objective test is 3 hours, and it consists of 4 Sections of a total 200 marks. There will be separate timing for every section.
SBI PO Mains Marking Scheme:
Penalty for Wrong Answers (Applicable to both – Preliminary & Main Examination):
- There will be a penalty for wrong answers marked in Objective Tests. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, 1/4th of marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty to arrive at a corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. if no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. Sectional Marks will not be maintained for both Preliminary and main Examinations. Sectional Marks will not be maintained for both Preliminary and main Examinations.
SBI PO Mains Admit Card 2023: How to Download E-Call Letter?
- Visit the official website of the State Bank of India(SBI) at
- On the homepage, click on the ‘Careers’ option.
- Look for the admit card link.
- Enter the login details such as registration number/roll number and password/date of birth.
- Your SBI PO Mains Call Letter 2023 will appear on the screen.
- Download and save a copy of it for future reference.
SBI PO Mains Exam Day Guidelines
.Candidates who are shortlisted after the Phase-II will be subsequently called for Phase III. At the time of the Main Exam, the candidate must bring a duly authenticated “Original Preliminary Exam Call Letter (with Authenticated Copy of ID Proof)” as well as “Main Exam Call Letter” with “Requisite Documents” at the time of the Main Exam. These documents along with requisite documents need to be submitted during the Main Exam. Candidates need to bring two additional photographs (same as pasted by the candidate on the call letter) along with the call letter and other requisite documents as per information provided in the “Acquaint Yourself Booklet” and “Call Letter”. Candidates reporting without photograph pasted on the call letter and without two additional photographs (same as pasted on the call letter) will NOT be allowed to appear in the Preliminary exam. For more details, visit the official website of SBI.