All government, government-aided, and private-recognized schools in Delhi shall resume all classes (from pre-school to standard XII) physically on November 20, 2023, i.e., Monday.

New Delhi: All government, government-aided, and private-recognized schools in Delhi shall resume all classes (from pre-school to standard XII) physically on November 20, 2023, i.e., Monday. However, outdoor sports activities and morning assemblies will not be held for the next one week from the issuance of this order, as per an order from the Directorate of Education, Government of Delhi.
Chhath Puja 2023: School Holidays In These States
Svereal states have announced school closures for two days in lieu of the Chhath Puja festival. The Chhath Puja school holiday dates are November 19 and November 20, 2023. The holidays on these dates have been declared in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Delhi. Most schools use their own discretion whether they would like to give a holiday on Chhath or not.
(Image: ANI)
Holidays Announced From November 3 To November 10
At the beginning of the month, holidays were announced from November 3 to November 10 due to bad air quality. “In the wake of implementation of GRAP-IV measures due to Severe Air Quality prevailing in Delhi and seeing that no respite from such adverse weather conditions in near future is predicted by the IMO, the Winter Break for the session 2023–24 is ordered to be preponed so that schools can be totally closed and both children and teachers can stay at home,” the circular stated “Accordingly, all schools shall observe Winter Break from November 9, 2023 (tomorrow) to November 18, 2023 (Saturday),” a circular of the Delhi Directorate of Education stated.